CTC North Yorkshire 2020 AGM
CTC North Yorkshire
Agenda for 46th Annual General Meeting 1st November 2020
12 noon
To be held by Microsoft Teams, with this link,
https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2… midday
To attend, copy and paste the link into your browser at the time of the meeting.
- Secretary to open meeting
- Election of Chairperson
- Obituaries
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of 2019 AGM
- Matters arising
- Adoption of annual report y/e 30 Sept 2020
- Adoption of Treasurer’s interim statement and accounts y/e 30 Sept 2020
- To consider any motions
10 Election of officers
President Michael Haseltine
Vice-Presidents Keith Benton, Peter Holyoake
Secretary Nick Folkard
Registration Michael Haseltine
Events Secretary Andrew Richardson
Treasurer Keith Benton
Rights/Planning Officers David Nunns
Welfare Jan Hepworth
Webmaster Malcolm Pexton
General committee David Nunns, Andrew Richardson, Jaqueline Mountford-Green
Auditor Michael Fielding.
11 Date & place of next AGM (suggested 7th November 2021 at Galtres Centre)
12 Any other business