
Cleethorpes Sunday 5th December 2021

Meeting up with Tim Newbery at Louth's Leisure Centre were John Rickett and Chris Owen. Apologies had been sent by Rob Cook, John Ambler, Alan Hockham and Neil Parnham.

Reviewing the weather radar, it looked as if we'd be fortunate to escape the frequent showers rolling in from the North Sea. Indeed, within a mile or two, Tim was having to wrap up in full waterproofs as the showers set in. Chilly too with the thermometer stuck at about 5 degrees Celsius.

Fortitude was required and with heads bowed low into the wind we made slow but steady progress through Covenham and Fulstow.

Surprisingly, we encountered a number of cyclists who were heading Louth bound and the smiles on their faces gave us hope of an easier return journey with a brisk tailwind.

In Tetney, Chris would head directly for home whilst Tim and John opted to continue to Humberston and Cleethorpes. Showers by now had become more scattered and there were some bursts of sunshine prompting the formation of a number of rainbows. On our arrival at Darracotte's Ice Cream Parlour it was quite glorious with many enjoying a stroll along the promenade in the winter sunshine.

On leaving Cleethorpes sea front, the skies darkened and threatened showers once again. At least the wind was in our favour.

The journey back to Tetney was swift and it was decided to turn coastbound along Tetney Lock Road. Passing the Oil Terminal, it was interesting to think of the tankers offloading crude oil at the Spurn Point monobuoy to be pumped by subsea pipeline directly to these storage tanks, before being piped to the refinery at South Killingholme for processing.

A straightforward enough journey south to Grainthorpe where a brief stop was made to enjoy a final cup of coffee. We discovered however that the shop is now closed at midday on a Sunday.

Our last leg back to Louth took us over the Louth Navigation, now swollen with rain water. It will be interesting to see how close it comes to overtopping after the predicted heavy rains and gale force winds of Storm 'Barra' on Monday and Tuesday.

For Tim it would be a hot coffee at the leisure Centre and a chance to warm up, finally retuning home at 2.30 pm having covered 40 miles. Many thanks to all for the company.
