Christmas Day Ride 2024
Cycling UK Louth Christmas Day Ride 2024:
With the forecast of a mild but grey day, it was heartening to see the cloud clear away in time to reveal bright sunshine and clear blue skies for the 10.00 am start at Louth’s Meridian Leisure Centre.
Most members had family duties to attend to but joining Tim Newbery were Ty Harness and John Rickett. John’s bike sparkled with festive lights strung all over the front. John and Jen had very generously invited us to take refreshment at Fotherby which we looked forward to.
Working our way through Louth, we wondered if we’d see any youngsters out on newly acquired cycles given as Christmas presents. Once quite the tradition but none spotted today. There were however several cyclists out and about for a morning Christmas Day spin, one sporting a Father Christmas outfit.
Just short of 9 miles and we were running along Peppin Lane to be greeted warmly by Jen. All sorts of Christmas fayre on the table and a splendid Christmas Cake. It would have been improper not to have had a slice … or two.
With the joining instructions having indicated a 12 noon return to Louth, a longer ride via the Wolds was deferred to another day and we’d all go back to Tim’s for a final hot drink along with a choice of mince pies.
For Tim, a 17 mile ride in pleasant company. Top temperature 10 Degrees Celsius.
Special thanks to Jen for inviting us over.
Wishing all members and friends a Very Happy Christmas and for good weather in 2025.
Tim’s ‘Relive’ video: