Christmas Day Ride 2022

Cycling UK Louth Christmas Day Ride 2022

With the weather very much on our side and a forecast of sunny periods lifting temperatures to a very mild 11 Degrees Celsius, a perfect chance for a short spin along the lanes for a breath of fresh air. Joining Tim Newbery in Louth were Paul Linder, Alan Hockham, John Rickett (who had been granted a three hour pass) and Neil Parnham. Neil hasn't been able to join us on a ride for a number of months so a very warm welcome. Good to have his company again.

This was always going to be a short ride and we ventured north through the town centre, soon enjoying the country lanes around Brackenborough and Yarburgh. Great to be greeted by dog walkers and passers by exchanging seasonal greetings. All very heart warming.

A short stop at Alvingham to view the village stocks afforded a splendid photo opportunity. A law passed in 1351 made it a requirement for every township to provide and maintain a set of stocks and Alvingham's examples were originally used to hold petty criminals’ captive while punishment was administered. Misdemeanours were usually swearing or being drunk. Surely not a case for today's visitors!

After talking to some of the locals who were wondering if we were on a ride to show off new ‘Christmas Present’ bikes, we made our way back to Louth. By now the skies were brightening steadily and it was increasingly sunny as we arrived back at Tim’s. Time for a pleasant chat over mugs of coffee and an assortment of mince pies and a huge bar of Toblerone kindly donated by John. 

Wishing everyone a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS!


