Caistor 19th May 2024

Cycling UK Louth’s Whitsuntide Ride to Caistor
19th May 2024
Potentially a group size into double figures but apologies had been received from Chris Owen, John Dawson and Paul Linder. Rob was still on the west coast ready to make his way back home from his cycle holiday, Sven Livesey was recovering from his epic Birthday ride last Sunday and Martin Wood was perhaps still fixing punctures. Meeting up in Louth for the ride to Caistor were Alan Hockham, John Rickett, Tim Newbery and Steve Croton on his new Giant bike.
Departing at 09.30 am in brilliant sunshine with clear blue skies, we’d been promised a top temperature of 18 Degrees Celsius. The downside, a brisk nor’easter which would mean fighting the breeze all the way to Caistor.
Our outbound leg would take us to North Elkington via the Dales. It’s always a big push on the pedals up to Boswell at about 130 m AMSL but from here a more ‘undulating’ route through Swinhope Brats. Originally ‘Le Broth de Svyneop’ in the 13th Century, the name derives from Old English ‘swīn’ meaning pig and Old English 'hop' meaning secluded valley. No sign of the swine today however, instead sightings of skylark, swift and swallow.
We also noted verdant growth on every roadside verge with abundant Cow Parsley (used in traditional medicines), Forget Me Nots (from the Ancient Greek "mouse's ear"), Meadow Buttercup and Red Campion forever reaching skyward. With fields turning a gaudy yellow with ripening Rapeseed, the Lincolnshire Wolds look resplendent at this time of year.
At Rothwell, there’s only one way out of the village and that’s ‘up’ with a climb to the Caistor High Street, an ancient drover’s way joining Horncastle to South Ferriby on the Humber.
Tim had estimated an ETA of 11.45 am at Café @ 28, Caistor Arts & Heritage Centre but we arrived a little ahead of schedule. A few cyclists were sitting outside but there was plenty of room inside and we were in time for breakfast. Almost everyone plumped for beans on toast. We also met up with a couple of cyclists who were members of Cycling UK West Surrey, with their home town of Guildford. Currently based at the Masons Arms in Louth, they had cycled over to Caistor with the aim of returning via Tealby. They had been particularly impressed with the beauty of the Wolds and the quiet roads. It’s a hidden gem which we’d rather keep to ourselves.
Our return would take us back to Rothwell and then onto Cuxwold. Tim, John, Steve and Alan had enjoyed a rest here last September and we’d make a brief stop again to admire fields of sheep grazing amongst the backdrop of a Deserted Medieval Village.
Onwards through Swallow, Beelsby and Hatcliffe and through the cattle grids of ‘The Avenue’ to East Ravendale. The Ceanothus looked a starting blue in the sunshine.
The last leg now back home via Wold Newton and Utterby to arrive into Louth just after 2.30 pm having covered about 50 miles. Steve would eventually clock nearly 80 miles by the time he returned home.
Thanks to all for the company.
Tim's 'Fly Though' route: