Brass Monkey 2022

Sunday 9th January 2022

Brass Monkey Fly-In

It was frustrating that although the sun was shining and winds for once weren't blowing fiercely, temperatures were a degree or two colder than forecast resulting in icy stretches which caused a safely issue. Reports of ice had also been sent in by Alan, Chris and Barry. Erring on the side of caution, the ride to North Coates Airfield for the 'Fly-In' was cancelled.

Never the less, Chris and Ying were to walk to North Coates whilst Tim travelled by car. Great too to have met up with Barry and Jim who had gone across to take some photographs of the assorted flying machines. It was indeed very busy, more so perhaps than the previous few years. An opportunity to meet up and have a pleasant chat in the sunshine and partake in hot refreshments served in the hangar.

It was interesting to hear from Barry that the static Bloodhound Mk 1 Missile on display outside the hangar was obtained from an amusement park on the Isle of Wight. North Coates Flying Club lovingly worked on the restoration for eight years, which was finally completed in 2021. The Bloodhound Mk 1 first came into service at North Coates in 1958 and was primarily used for testing and evaluation, in part under the control of the command centre based in the underground bunker at RAF Holmpton. Tim’s father completed a tour of duty at RAF North Coates whilst the Bloodhound was in service in the 1960’s.

By 1 pm, most of the ice had finally melted away and Tim would ride to the cyclists’ bench at North Ormsby for a picnic. A flask of coffee and left-over Marks and Spencer’s mince pies went down a treat. A shade under 20 miles covered.

It would transpire that Reg too had gone for a bike ride (largely sticking to the main roads) and had clocked up 22 miles. 

Next week it’s a ride across the Wolds to Horncastle.
