Report from Chair 2024 and AGM 25th April 2024
Chairs report for AGM 2024 – 25th April
It is an honour to stand before you this evening and present the Chairs report for CTC Edinburgh, Lothians and Borders, the 2024 edition, a club with a great history of over 100 years. An opportunity to reflect on the year past and provide a tantalising view of the year ahead. But more significantly to provide the opportunity to say a BIG THANK you to everyone one of you, in making the terrific, dynamic, welcoming club we have, where all of us can play a part in securing a wonderful year ahead with our cycling friends.
So, prepare yourself for a roll call of thanks for what has been another magical year.
Group rides.
The bread & butter of the club. A few stats to digest. (See slide). We continue to provide and build on the success of previous years, offering, when the weather allows, a weekly programme of rides, with variety being key factor; rides which are flat, non-flat, short, nonshort, easy pace, non-easy pace but throughout all of these at the core we have rides which are friendly, welcoming, encouraging & supportive.
These group rides offer the opportunity to bring out the best in each of us. For example:
- The unplanned event, e.g. a puncture or mechanical, brings a swarm of supportive mechanics, eager to help, share their knowledge and get you back on the road.
- The loss of energy as you climb the everlasting hill as the cold seeps into every aching muscle brings an encouraging voice of support and if you’re really lucky experience the hand of Buda providing a wee helping push up the hill or perhaps an energising jelly baby.
- The helpful reminder from others of hazards which lay ahead.
- The energetic members, who go into action on arrival at the lunch stop, setting up chairs & tables, putting the kettle on, checking all is OK and equally ensuring on departure the place is left the way it was found.
- The members who so kindly share their goodies. Cake is a noted favourite.
- The volunteer who offers to shepherd us all from behind. The back marker, who is the eyes & ears of the group leader, checking in with valuable feedback on how the ride is progressing.
These are just some of the ways that ALL of you play your part in making every ride a magical memory for the future. Chapeaus off to everyone of you, thank you ALL for your support.
But none of this would occur without the ride leader. They provide the magical dust to plan prepare and run the ride. Outwardly you will see the ride leader providing an interesting route, making us aware of hazards, encouraging with helpful reminders, demonstrating good practise. But we must also be grateful for the hidden parts of the ride leader, who is always prepared, ready to be nimble, flexible, adjusting to the potential challenges which may present themselves; deteriorating weather, closed roads, mechanicals, or even the café which decided to close early. So, thank you to all ride leaders for providing the visible side of the ride but also for being ready to seamlessly adapt to those challenges which occasionally arrive.
We are fortunate to have around 40 active ride leaders, but there is always room for more. Could I ask the ride leaders who are present to be up standing - Please join me in raising your chapeaus, and a chorus of allez, allez, allez. With out ride leaders there would be no bread & butter to enjoy.
Rides Convenors.
A critical cog in the wheel of our group rides is our ride convenors who cajole and then compile the list of rides for you to enjoy. We are indebted to their dedication. On behalf of the group, a big thank you to Cathy Riley, Rhona Emerson & Alastair Sim, a superb team. You will be pleased to know that the team will be sharing a few words later in the meeting.
Winter Halls Organiser.
We're fortunate to have Clare McDonald, who continuously scouts for venues for our winter lunch stops. Ride leaders appreciate the liaison between Clare and the halls. Clare welcomes suggestions, so if you stumble upon a great spot, share it with her. On behalf of all the winter riders, thank you Clare for your excellent organisation.
Ride Etiquette.
Last year, Janet laid down a marker that we could improve our ride etiquette, namely reading the email in full and complying with the ride guidelines.
Naturally, these points are still valid. To help make this a little easier for all, your committee have made a few changes.
The ride invitation email now starts with a summary of the key points. Hopefully helping you identify if the ride is suitable for you. If it looks good to you, then the words of last year still apply – read the email in full.
Adherence to the ride guidelines is critical, if cycling in a group is to be undertaken safely.
Changes made to the guidelines during the year include: (as I am sure you will be aware)
- Inclusion of specific sections of the Highway Code relevant to cycling.
- Emphasis on group riding dynamics, working as one to support safe considerate cycling to aid all road users and
- Presenting the guidance in a more readable format, with sub-sections – so please read and adhere to it.
A credit to all of you that we did not require to file an incident form with Cycling UK this year. It demonstrates an awareness in the group to support and watch out for each other whilst being mindful of other road users.
So please continue to follow good ride etiquette by helping each other, Rosanne is an excellent role model when approaching - “bollards”.
Health & Well Being & Friends no longer with us.
Cycling helps to keep us all fit and healthy, both physically and mentally. However, it is not a “silver bullet” for eternal youth.
Sadly, we lost 2 cycling friends in the last year. Andy Wallace who has left us far too early. It was a privilege to meetup with Andy’s friends and family and share his love of life, in particular discovering more about his life-long commitment of supporting and mentoring others. A key ethos of this group.
Also, the loss of the rich colourful character, Reverend Bill Brockie, a devoted cyclists who lived life to the full. Memories left include cycling across numerous countries, providing office space for Spokes and importantly making use of his bike to connect with others. Forgive me if I have missed anyone in this roll call of our cycling friends no longer with us.
May they rest in peace and be fondly remembered.
We should also spare a thought for the “walking wounded” of the group. A roll call of health bionic fixes, including hip replacements, knee overhauls, cataract fixes, fighting a variety of cancers, mending various fractures and ligaments and of course the ongoing “delight” of covid, always in the background. A big thank you to the health professionals for helping to fix the bits others cannot reach.
It is heartening to see members who have been through their hibernation period being sensible when reintegrating into the group. Return tactics include attending for part of the ride, some use of public transport or investing in power assistance.
Cycling is a magical activity, supporting your mental & physical well-being – keep it up and it could be your “silver bullet”.
Borders Brakeaway - Review of 2023
Sadly, I have to report that the Borders Brakeaway group have gone into hibernation. The leaders Nigel Cliffe & Jennie Johnstone took the hard decision to wind up the group at the start of this year. Primarily driven by few ride leaders and low attendance, consequently few rides took place. Both are still members of this parent group and are enthusiastic to join us on any explorations of the Borders. Thank you, both Nigel & Jennie for supporting others to enjoy adventures in a glorious setting. The website has been updated to reflect the hibernation, in the hope that this is temporary and that the group may return to being active.
Special Events
A peloton was organised in early May to support Granny Mave, escorting her from the Forth Road bridge to Symington during her 1000 mile odyssey around Scotland raising funds for MacMillan Cancer Support. A truly inspiring octogenarian who celebrated her 85th birthday during the epic adventure. There is hope for all of us.
Our annual away trip was to Newton Stewart. The event grows year on year with 40 attendees enjoying magnificent weather whilst exploring a labyrinth of quiet roads meandering through the delights of Galloway, exploring coasts, rolling terrain, castles, culture and a few cafes along the way. Thanks to the support of a group of ride leaders 3 rides of varying levels & distance were offered each day. Clare McDonald and Rosanne Murphy were superstars, professionally organising an amazing extravaganza to this wonderful corner of Scotland. The cream on the top was to see 40 daily smiley faces, everyone contributing a very memorable adventure. Thank you, Clare & Rosanne.
Janet arranged a circular cruise of Dundee & Angus, mustering at the V&A in Dundee and then striking east along the magnificent coastal cycle path to Arbroath. Almost 30 km of non-road cycling, could this be a record? Cheers Janet.
Derek tabled a monster ride starting at Eskbank, heading to Sir Walter Scott’s Abbotsford. Whilst numerous options were tabled to reduce the distance with the support of trains & busses most riders went the full distance. Well done all.
Not that we can lay claim to organising the UCI event which took place in our backyard in 2023, nor can we claim that we had any riders but members greatly enjoyed the opportunity to take to the streets to relish the spectacle of this unique event. It’s always healthy to keep abreast of cycling links out with the club.
The annual Christmas lunch at Merchants Golf Club was another highlight. Glorious fare was enjoyed, brains were taxed with a club focused quiz and Colin Stevenson provided an excellent rendition. Most importantly, it was a magical afternoon, full of banter and laughter. Thank you, Rosanne Murphy & Senga Bate, for arranging a grand session. Good news is that Rosanne & Senga are organising the 2024 lunch.
The Wednesday Potluck Christmas lunch was again led by Ben to our traditional Dirleton venue. This was really well supported. Shared photos of the event, show a mountain of goodies, atop groaning tables. The ride home was a little slower.
In March, the club were invited to support the relaunch of NCN route 76, renamed “Round the Inner Forth”. Club members cycled to Hopetoun house for a photo shoot and 2 lucky cyclists had the opportunity to be “celebrities”, being wired up for a video interview. I’m sure we can look forward to an enthusiastic ride leader arranging an opportunity to cycle the route.
Events such as these are truly memorable, a wee bit of added spice. Everyone enjoys them and in the coming year we look forward to club members offering further special moments.
Training opportunities
Ian Miller, our training champion has continued to develop and provide training opportunities for members to enhance their skills. Ian, who cannot be with us tonight has submitted a report which I will share with you later. In summary, training has been provided in 3 core areas, First Aid, Ride Leader & Bike maintenance. I’m sure you would all give a big high 5 to Ian for arranging these sessions which are a benefit to you and the club. If you have any ideas on future training needs, maybe how to control the weather, then please get in touch.
The committee.
The chairs annual report would not be complete without a significant “nod” to your committee, without whom the club would not be able to run.
Colin & myself are truly thankful to all for their support and encouragement since joining the team 1 year ago.
Andrew Derrington, Treasurer, who has continued in his meticulous control with all things money, Alastair Sim who has overseen 14 years of Tuesday’s evening rides. Rhona Emerson our Wednesday ride convenor and reports on behalf of all rides and loves to hear those words, “I will lead a ride”, Ian Miller our training champion, Bill Crook who not only supports some administration tasks, is a helping hand with those “unknown activities” which have a habit of appearing. Maryrose Brennan, our safeguarding officer, looking after the well-being of us all (does she have the silver bullet I mentioned earlier?) Ben Bate, our membership officer, who week in, week out cranks out the ICE list, contacts new members. Importantly he has a wealth of knowledge, which is of great value to the rest of the committee. Colin Fischbacher, who has seamlessly taken on the role of secretary, including the creation of succinct minutes, perhaps an area in which I can improve. He is an excellent fit to this role.
We are fortunate to have such a supportive, inspirational committee who beaver away on your behalf. It would be an honour and privilege if you would join me in showing your appreciation for the service these stars offer to you, the members.
Regrettably, Andrew wishes to step down from the committee. He has been instrumental in setting up processes to make the management of the “beans” easier and additionally created a comprehensive set of notes to guide an incoming treasurer. He leaves the accounts in a healthy condition, making them easy to maintain and in an accessible format. In addition, he has offered to mentor his replacement. Thank you, Andrew.
I would also like to express my thanks to Alastair Sim, who has served for 14 years as Tuesday ride convenor, providing some fabulous, informative rides, whilst cajoling members to offer others. Sadly, he is stepping down from the committee. The good news is that he has developed a tried and tested approach which he has generously shared with Charles Wallis who has kindly offered to take on the role of co-ordinating the Tuesday evening adventures. Charles has already demonstrated his credentials as suitable for the role having already sourced leaders for all 18 of this season’s rides. I look forward to you supporting Charles who is joining the committee as Alistair’s replacement.
I would also like to express my thanks to Grace Lyon our new friendly auditor, who is looking forward to supporting the new treasurer.
There is one final committee member who I have not named, who stood in this very spot 1 year ago.
Over 7 years at the helm of your group, she built a strong ethos in the team, open and welcoming, supporting the needs of all. Furthermore, she supported others in developing key elements of the club, including ride leaders, training, club rides to an ever-increasing list of destinations and cementing the club summer away break, now a firm favourite. She led the team by example but equally looked to utilise the skills abundant in the club, by delegation, kindly persuasion and even cajoling. Steering the club in a direction which was ultimately in support of the needs of the members.
She quietly stepped down last year providing us with the opportunity to award her the prestigious Zoller award at the annual Christmas lunch in recognition of her stellar achievements, making the club we have today. Now is the time to thank her. I give you an absolute Superstar – Janet.
The Future
We have a flourishing club offering a full and varied calendar of events which are enjoyed by many members. We can look forward to more of the tried and tested formula which we know works well.
In addition to the “bread & butter” rides we have the delights of:
- The club summer outing to Malton in early June, for which there are around 50 members signed up. Big advance thanks to Clare McDonald & Rosanne Murphy and to the supporting ride leaders who have been poring over maps to ensure we have a magical time away.
- The Christmas lunch, arranged for Saturday 14th Dec 2024, which should be in all your diaries.
Please remember that it is your club, ideas are always welcomed, share your thoughts with one of the committee members. In helping the club, you will have bucket loads of fun & laughter, working together for the good of all. Thank you for all your support.
THURSDAY 25th April 2024, 6.30pm
Eric Liddell Community, South Wing Suite, 15 Morningside Road EH10 4DP
1. Introductions and welcome. Derek Hyde welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Attendance and apologies. The following members were present:
Benedict Bate, Colin Stevenson, Geoff Gardner, Linda Hamilton, Michael Hamilton, Colin Webster, James Henderson, Charles Wallis, Helen Tzabar, Yoav Tzabar, Rhona Emerson, Maryrose Brennan, Jan Ure, Sue Robertson, Doug Mackie, Sandy Paterson, Jackie Jones, Keith Adams, Fifi Tsoi, Cathy Riley, Janet Ironside, Senga Bate, Clare McDonald, Graeme King, Robert Clegg, Ian Robertson, Hilary Maxfield and Colin Fischbacher.
Colin Fischbacher noted apologies from Rosanne Murphy, Ian Miller, Bill Crook, Derek Traynor, Grace Lyon, Gordon Robertson, Phil Lyon, Mike Hewitt, Bev Christy, Alasdair Morrison, Lesley Forrester, Bill Krol, Alastair Sim, Duncan Ross, Robert Virtue, Kristine Munsterhjelm, Liz Sutherland, Donald Urquhart, Julie Mackenzie, Lester Knibb and Yvonne Clegg.
3. Approval of previous Annual General Meeting minutes. Maryrose Brennan proposed the adoption of the previous minutes of the AGM 20th April 2023. She was seconded by Clare McDonald and the minutes were accepted as a true record.
4. Matters arising from the previous AGM. There were no matters arising
5. Chair’s Report. Derek Hyde presented the chair's report. He acknowledged the contribution of all members and particularly ride leaders and ride co-ordinators. Those present were asked to recall highlights of rides during the year. Derek reported that ride guidelines had been updated and stressed the importance of following them.
Derek noted the sad loss of Andy Wallace and Bill Brookie during the year. Derek also mentioned that various members had had injuries, operations and health problems.
Derek noted that the Borders Brake-away group is no longer operating. We hope that this is a temporary hibernation and that the group may return to being active in the near future.
Derek noted a number of special events during the year including the ride with Granny Mave, the annual outing (this year to Newton Stewart), a circular tour of Dundee and Angus, a trip to the home of Sir Walter Scott in the Borders, the annual Christmas lunch, the potluck lunch and the inauguration of the inner Forth route.
Derek thanked members of the CTC committee for their contributions during the year. Derek noted that Andrew Derrington was stepping down as treasurer and thanked him for his contribution. He asked members to consider joining the committee as treasurer to replace him. He also reported that Alastair Sim was standing down from the committee and from his role organising the Tuesday rides and Derek thanked him for his contribution. Charles Wallis had kindly agreed to take on his role. Finally Derek thanked Janet for her seven years of service as chair. She was presented with flowers and a bottle of wine as a token of appreciation.
Finally Derek drew attention to future events including the Christmas lunch and the summer outing to Malton.
6. Treasurer’s Report. Derek presented a short report on behalf of Andrew Derrington, who had given his apologies for the meeting. Derek noted that the treasurer's reports had been circulated. The rising cost of hall hire was also noted. Grace Lyon was thanked for her work on the auditing. A question was asked about why the “Wednesday Riders” entry was anomalous and it was agreed that Derek Hyde and Andrew Derrington would recommend how this should best be rectified to reflect correct accounting practice.
7. Ride Convenors Report. Rhona Emerson gave a brief report on behalf of the ride convenors: herself, Clare McDonald, Cathy Riley and Alastair Sim (who has now been replaced by Charles Wallis). Tuesday evening rides had an average of 12 riders and explored urban and suburban areas. There was also a full programme of rides on Wednesdays and Sundays. Bad weather in the spring contributed to the cancellation of 12 rides. Some leaders had led large numbers of rides (2 leaders led 9 and 10 rides each and several led 6 or 7 rides). Rhona asked that the load should be more evenly spread by more people volunteering as leaders. Rhona reported that a small working group will be set up to review options on how winter halls should be paid for by Wednesday riders in the 2024/25 winter season.
8. Training Report. Derek provided a brief update on training on behalf of Ian Miller, who had given his apologies for the meeting. During the year there had been a 3 hour practical first aid session, two bike maintenance classes and two sessions for potential ride leaders. Members were encouraged to suggest other potential training topics.
9. Update on the Albert Watson Memorial Hut (AWMH). Derek reported that the Borders Bothy Association (BBA) had managed the Albert Watson Memorial Hut since 2007 on our behalf. A question was asked about the lack of information about the AWMH on the BBA website. Derek reported that based on establishing regular communication with BBA we will be able to update the website with more recent history.
10. Safeguarding report. Maryrose Brennan noted that there were no safeguarding issues to report
11. Election of Committee and Office Bearers. Janet Ironside proposed that Derek Hyde be elected as chair. This was seconded by Doug Mackie and there was no dissent, so Derek Hyde was duly confirmed as chair. The remaining committee members agreed to continue in their roles. There were no nominations for the position of treasurer. Derek noted that it would not be possible for the club to continue without a treasurer and appealed for members to consider taking on this role. Charles Wallis was nominated by Ben Bate as Tuesday ride convenor and committee member. This was seconded by Doug Mackie.
12. Guest speakers. Maryrose Brennan welcomed Shona Black and Simon Marr to give a presentation on the work of VIE (Visual Impairment Edinburgh) Velo. This charity provides the opportunity for people with visual Impairment to enjoy cycling using tandems. Next year a coast to coast tour is planned from Stranraer to Eyemouth. Simon and Shona encouraged CTC members to consider volunteering and Maryrose indicated that she would be very happy to be contacted by email or on a ride to answer any questions that potential VIE Velo volunteers might have.
Ben Bate, Hilary Maxfield, Colin Fischbacher and Yoav Tzabar gave presentations on their trips to France.
13. Date of next meeting. The date of the next AGM will be confirmed in due course.