The Winter DRRt - New Years Revolution

Event ride

Event description

23 miles over three counties, this route combines public bridleways and byways over the Cranborne Chase area of outstanding natural beauty passing Roman landmarks, ancient drovers tracks and picturesque villages..

The HQ is at Sixpenny Handley Sports Pavilion where there is ample free parking, showers and a real ale bar running after the event.

Sign in desks are open from 09.15 and we ask everyone to be away soon after 09.30. Please note that we have a group going out just after that who take down the signs.

Here are some FAQs about the events.

Is it a race?

No, this is not a timed event and there are no prizes for finishing in a particular time. However, many riders are keen to push themselves and see how they perform on Strava! Others are content to make use of the number of country pubs and tea shops on the route.

What kind of riding is it?

The routes are designed to be a series of long bridleway sections linked by a few country roads and lanes. Most of the terrain is fairly easy, but we’ve thrown in a few technical climbs and descents that will really have you concentrating hard. There are a couple of short cut points if the bike is playing up or the legs are running on empty!

How do I enter?

Go to When available click on our event links above which will take you to the Events Booking and Calendar page – enter your details. You will then be redirected to the payment page.

Your name will be placed on our entry database, so all you need to do is turn up on the day. An email detailing important information, will be sent to all entrants, one week prior to the event.

What do I get for my entry fee?

A colour Ordnance Survey map with a detailed ride guide on the reverse. A code of conduct for all riders is on the rear – please read this carefully.

A route way marked with over 50 direction signs.

A DRRt performance T shirt in your chosen size – secure your size by online pre-paid entry.

Emergency phone number in case you get lost or have a mechanical failure that you are unable to repair (on the map).

Lots of smiles!

Can I enter and pay on the day?

Yes, at the moment we are not asking for a surcharge. However, please bear in mind that T shirts are reserved for pre-paid entries and there may not be any spare ones left in your size. A postage charge will be payable if you want to receive one later.

What happens on the day?

Simply turn up at the time stated for the event. For the New Year’s Revolution the Sports Pavilion at Sixpenny Handley (postcode SP5 5NU). Simply sign in, collect your map/ guide, number wristband (which can be put on your bike) and start the ride. All we ask is that you wear a helmet at all times (mandatory), carry a mobile phone and report back to the start by the required time to collect your goodies. If you are unable to complete the course for whatever reason please inform the organisers by calling the telephone number provided on the map.

Where do I look for the latest info?

A Facebook chat group has been set up specifically for the DRRt. This also provides route GPX files which will be available approximately a week before the event:

Organised by Dorset Rough Riders

Event type

Route details

  • 22 mi / 35 km

Start location


9 Common Road
Sixpenny Handley
United Kingdom

Grid reference

Date and start time

  • Tuesday 28 December 2021 - 09:15

Book this event

  • ££15 (free for DRR members)