Donate now for a cycle friendly future

woman cyclist commuting amongst traffic
We need your donations now to ensure a cycle friendly future is possible, it is time for action and with your donations we can do the vital work to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that active travel and in particular cycling is what people want!
a group of commuter cyclists in London in the rain, one waving at the camera

People want to cycle so let’s make sure they can!

We are as passionate as you about making Britain a better place with more people cycling. but we must ensure that those in power making decisions are behind it too. 

  • In 2020, surveys showed that 77% of people supported measures in their local area to encourage cycling and walking, such as cycle lanes and active travel schemes. But sadly that might not be enough, and it’s a risk we cannot afford to take. We need to build the evidence further and get it into the hands of those making the decisions on our futures. 
  • Your donation today will help our campaigns team to produce the evidence through polling, consultation and research that will prove what people want. 

What the future could look like.

People want more cycling infrastructure in their neighbourhoods, and they are willing to sacrifice space on the road for motor vehicles. 78% of residents in UK cities support building more separated cycle lanes, even when this could mean less space for other road traffic.

  • Cycling infrastructure supports local economies. People using bikes for transport are better for the local economy and cycling creates more jobs. Town centres and high streets are suffering for economic downturn and need to be reinvigorated. Councillors need to learn from past failures and approve city and town centre developments designed for people rather than for cars. 
  • Cycling infrastructure reduces road congestion. In 2019, congestion cost the UK economy £6.9 billion, with UK road users on average losing 115 hours and £894 a year to congestion. Despite many of our roads being horrendously congested, car ownership continues to rise annually along with miles travelled by car. 
  • Cycling infrastructure is excellent for people’s health. The World Health Organisation recognises that cycling can save lives by improving air quality and increasing physical health. This may be obvious, but it is cycling infrastructure which will enable more people to cycle and result in the significant health improvement outcomes we need for a healthier society. 
male cyclist using cycling infrastructure in a city with shops behind

Cyclist fatalities on British roads in 2022 hit lowest number for 30 years

Thanks to the likes of liveable neighbourhoods, updates to the Highway Code and other road safety measures have led to last year’s lowest cyclist casualties in almost 30 years. So why are we hearing that government is putting its own cycle friendly policies into reverse, we have to put a stop to this. We know that low traffic neighbourhoods and reduced speed limit zones work so why are they being reviewed. Join the fight for a cycle friendly future today.