The Cape Wrath Fellowship: the members

Cycling UK staff take the ferry to Cape Wrath
Part of the fun of getting to Cape Wrath is wee ferry - when it runs! Photo: Robert Spanring / Cycling UK
An estimated 2,000 cyclists have joined the Cape Wrath Fellowship since it was founded in 1949 by Rex 'Ragged Staff' Coley. Here Cycling UK lists the current membership

The Cape Wrath Fellowship was founded and launched by Rex 'Ragged Staff' Coley back in 1949. Since then, each year has seen a steady stream of hardy cyclists joining the ranks of this illustrious and historical fellowship.

In 1992, CTC (Cycling UK's former name) took on the mantle of maintaining the records. Below is the full list of the illustrious Fellowship. There are some gaps however, as records have been mislaid over time, so if your name isn't down there and should be you can sign up again via the button below. 

Join the Cape Wrath Fellowship

Cape Wrath Fellowship Members

Initial Last name Year
M Erasmus 2020
G Melia 2020
L Alldis 2020
P Waters 2020
T Sacharczuk 2020
B Buck 2020
D Schopen 2020
O Monaghan-Coombs 2020
J Murphy 2020
E Wormald 2020
J Peate 2020
A Murphy 2020
G Mason 2020
S Hogg 2020
F Burns 1984
T Seipp 2020
R Seipp 2020
G Brain 2020
J McWilliam 2020
D Walker 2020
N Rainbow 2020
H Shaw 2020
M Evans 2020
R Stuart 2020