Ted Foran 1924 - 2016
Ted was born in Kent in 1924 where his father was serving in the army
Following the end of World War 2 where he served in Italy and Palestine, his engineering skills took him to Watford where he became a regular participant in club runs with the Herts DA of the CTC
In 1950, he was a member of the group which founded the Lampard Road Club 'A Racing Offshoot' of the District Association. He remained a member of both clubs for the whole of his life.
He was a keen timetrialist being club champion during most of the 1950's and during the South Bucks 12 Hour stopped to attend Mass still finishing with over 209 miles.
Frequently on Friday evenings after a full days work he would ride to Dover to see his family. The A2 was a very different road in those days!
He married Evelyn sister of Dave Harris, another lifelong supporter of cycling, and they had two children Elizabeth and Brian both keen cyclists and CTC members to this day.
Ted was president of Herts DA for a number of years and continued to support the club after he moved to Wales on his retirement.
He was a true clubman.
Tribute by Bob Boughton and Evy Foran