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Elections on 5 May are an opportunity to make sure candidates in local elections in Scotland, Wales and England, and national elections in Northern Ireland, take action to get more people cycling more often – to make it happen rather than just talking about it. Our frequently asked questions explain what Cycling UK is doing, why this matters, and how you can help…
Search score: 15.579
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Cyclists should behave responsibly and legally, but the law should recognise that they pose little harm and should not have to choose between keeping safe and obeying rules. This briefing looks at current legislation. We are preparing a companion briefing on calls to regulate cyclists…
Search score: 15.525
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Transport Secretary Grant Shapps says he wants us to "use our cars less". Yet his department's spending plans are still speeding off in the wrong direction. In this blog Cycling UK Policy Director Roger Geffen urges the Transport Secretary to set evidence-based targets for a low-carbon future, with funding allocations to match…
Search score: 15.457
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At a time of political support for cycling there are lots of promises and opportunities, Cycling UK chief executive Sarah Mitchell explores why 2022 will be the time to ensure that they deliver. 2021 was full of surprises – some of them much more pleasant than others – and so attempting to…
Search score: 15.396
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On 4 May, Greater Manchester will go to the polls to elect a new 'Metro Mayor'. Cycling UK and Greater Manchester Cycling Campaign are calling on all candidates to support a set of three asks. ContextGreater Manchester champions cycling on a global stage for Britain with its…
Search score: 15.381
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The injuries suffered by cyclist Jaiqi Liu, hit by Chris Grayling MP’s ministerial car door, has prompted a mocking response from Sunday Times columnist Rod Liddle. Cycling UK Policy Director Roger Geffen reacts. When the Guardian released footage of Transport Secretary Chris Grayling 'car-…
Search score: 15.274
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Cycling UK’s campaigning on close passing and car-dooring has now added the BikeBiz Cycle Advocacy Award 2019 to its palmares. As the Cycle Show at the NEC Birmingham closed its doors on the first day of the show on 12 September, the cycle industry gathered for the 11th BikeBiz Awards.…
Search score: 15.274
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The Commons Transport Select Committee's inquiry report on Cycle Safety has been published, endorsing many of CTC's recommendations. CTC's evidence to the Committee, given in February, focused on more funding, strong leadership and better infrastructure for cycling.The Committee's…
Search score: 15.203
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Do you ride with a group? Or would you like to? Cycling UK’s guide to group etiquette will show you how to get the most out of the experience Joining a group ride is more than just a chance to make some new friends – there is no better way to find the best cycle routes, bike shops and cafés…
Search score: 15.140
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'More' as well as 'safer' cycling can and should go hand-in-hand. If more people cycled instead of driving, not only would the population grow healthier, breathe cleaner air and benefit from a drop in carbon emissions from transport, but the roads would be safer for…
Search score: 15.066