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With children returning to school across the UK, Keir Gallagher, Cycling UK's campaigns manager, calls for more to be done to ensure the opportunities of the Covid-19 cycling boom aren't wasted. At the age of around 16, I began cycling to my school in Glasgow, the only pupil at…
Search score: 7.372
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Have you ever ‘liked’ a Cycling UK Facebook post, or shared one of our campaign videos? Have you thought of going further, and want to show solidarity amongst your peers? Campaigns officer Zak Viney outlines the steps to take your passion for cycling further, to make change as a cycling activist…
Search score: 7.182
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Cycling UK’s strategy for 2024-29 launched at a special event on 12 June. Brand, marketing and communications manager Sam Waller outlines what we’ll be doing to realise cycling’s extraordinary potential as a force for good From improving our health and wellbeing…
Search score: 6.995
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Our journey planner is a great way to plan your route to work or to a new cafe you want to check out. For anyone who hasn’t used it before, Content officer Rebecca Armstrong explains how Cycling UK’s journey planner is one of our most popular pages, and with good…
Search score: 6.885
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Do you need facts and figures about cycling? Here’s Cycling UK’s latest round-up Introduction…
Search score: 6.885
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Cycling UK's round-up of cycle campaigning news It feels like there’s been a fair amount of bad news this month, with heatwaves and other extreme weather events highlighting why we urgently need to decarbonise our transport system and invest in active travel. However, if there’s one…
Search score: 6.667
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Cycling UK's round-up of recent campaigning news. Despite the ongoing coronavirus restrictions, it’s been a busy month for cycle campaigning. Pop-up cycle lanes are popping up in quite a few places (but not enough!) and surveys and studies are flying in from all sides showing that…
Search score: 6.380
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You wouldn’t want to ride your cycle without working brakes – but how well do you know these most essential of components? Content officer Rebecca Armstrong goes through the basics It’s no exaggeration to say that a cycle’s braking system is one of its most…
Search score: 5.704