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As the start of National Inclusion Week, Nasser Tell, chair of Cycling UK-affiliated group CycleOut sums up how the club has changed over the past quarter century, as well as sharing some of the secrets of the group’s success Who are we? CycleOut is a non-profit club run by volunteers with…
Search score: 8.870
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The Cyclopedia page in Cycle magazine makes sense of commonly misunderstood cycling subjects. Editor Dan Joyce explains road positioning for a cyclist – why it’s safer to cycle away from the edge of the road Never hug the kerb. That’s rule one of road positioning on a bicycle. Less…
Search score: 8.692
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By leaving Cycling UK a gift in your will, your passion today will help shape cycling’s tomorrow Why leave a gift to Cycling UK? For many of us cycling isn’t just a hobby or a healthy way to get…
Search score: 8.692
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When it comes to gender parity in cycling, we lag far behind our European neighbours. So what makes the UK so hostile towards women on bikes? Cycling UK member Alix Stredwick, who has worked on cycling issues since 2001, explains why – and what can be done about it. Back in 2003 I ran a…
Search score: 8.681
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Cycling UK's monthly round-up of cycle campaign news: Find out what else is in this issue HeadlinesWhat will each Metro Mayor do for cycling?The voters of six recently-formed Combined Authorities in England have now elected their Metro Mayors. With significant powers…
Search score: 8.386
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Cycling UK’s round-up of recent campaigning news We’re entering the season of calendars and chocolate (or pork scratchings). In some traditions, Advent is a time to reflect on difficult journeys and hopeful waiting. Not ‘naively optimistic’ hope; more the gritty, jaw-setting, ‘a change is…
Search score: 8.269
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After years of inaction from Government, MPs and Lords now have a chance to take matters into their own hands and put 'justice' back into the UK's road justice system. Seven years ago, in June 2014, Cycling UK launched its Road Justice campaign, highlighting that the justice…
Search score: 8.245
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Read an excerpt of Curbing Traffic: The Human Case for Fewer Cars in Our Lives, written by Canadian urban mobility advocates, Melissa and Chris Bruntlett Living the “Low-Car” City It was only supposed to be five blog posts. But when our family first traveled from Vancouver to Rotterdam in…
Search score: 8.245
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You may enjoy the independence and freedom of cycling on your own but riding with other people can take your cycling to another level. Here are our top 10 reasons for joining a cycling club or group 1. New navigation The first and most obvious reason is that you'll have someone who knows…
Search score: 8.006
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Elections, COP26, bikelash and continued Covid-19 curveballs – there’s been a lot going on this year. Cycling UK campaigns officer, Sophie Gordon highlights some wins you may have missed. One of the most exciting aspects of 2021 has been continuing to build our capacity for campaigning and…
Search score: 7.745