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We're decades behind the Dutch but the UK is finally waking up to transport cycling's potential. In this series, cycling journalist Laura Laker asks if a new golden age for cycling is realistic in Northern Ireland We all know the arguments for active travel, but with the…
Search score: 12.253
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Ever feel overtaking cars are too close for comfort? Using an immersive 'exchanging places' virtual reality film, we're taking innovative action to put an end to close passing Why we're campaigning on close passes…
Search score: 12.192
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Despite an election pledge to invest, make it safe and connect cycling across Northern Ireland, Minister O’Dowd seems unable or unwilling to follow through on three decisions which should be the start of our journey to increased numbers cycling, says Andrew McClean, Cycling UK’s engagement officer for Northern Ireland…
Search score: 12.184
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The Department for Transport (DfT) published 'Cycle Infrastructure Design' (CID) in 2008 to guide professionals on providing for cyclists on the highway network. The following is our original take on it, highlighting the most enlightened aspects of the guidance, but also areas where we felt it could do better. Please note: cycle infrastructure is evolving all the time - please see our…
Search score: 12.173
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Policy director Roger Geffen says the proposed new offence of 'causing death by dangerous cycling' is the wrong answer to a rare problem, when the right answer would tackle a much bigger one Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has announced to the Daily Mail that he plans to…
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What should you do if you are involved in a cycling incident with another road user? Here is some advice from Paul Darlington, consultant solicitor, and founder of Cycle SOS, which represents Cycling UK members in relation to cycling accidents, crashes, and incidents. What to do after a collision…
Search score: 12.079
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E-cycles are growing in popularity and the trend shows no sign of slowing down. As more and more people go electric, questions remain about how they are classified and their relative health benefits compared to a regular bike When is an e-cycle not an e-cycle? E-cycles are classed as…
Search score: 11.861
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Cycling UK believes that all drivers must be made aware of and understand cyclists’ needs and respect their safety. Background This article explains what Cycling UK thinks drivers need to know about behaving round cyclists. It’s such essential knowledge that we also believe that it should…
Search score: 11.811
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Cycling UK’s round-up of recent campaigning news.   You will read a surprising amount of good news in this month’s round-up. Take heart from the wins that have been a long, long time in the making, and from the positive results that have arisen from targeted short-term pressure. It…
Search score: 11.768
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Cycling UK believes that the Government should consider regular re-testing and other interventions to ensure drivers maintain good habits and that bad and/or medically unfit drivers are removed from the road. This article explains why this is important and how Cycling UK believes it should be done…
Search score: 11.696