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35% of drivers admit to not looking for cyclists before opening their car door. We're working with police, driving schools and road safety groups to teach drivers the 'Dutch Reach' and put an end to car-dooring - and you can help What is the Dutch Reach…
Search score: 12.687
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What should come first - investment in cycling infrastructure, or proof that there is demand? Might lockdown cycling levels give us the answer? Cycling UK's policy manager for Scotland, Jim Densham, shares his views. What should trigger a city or local authority to invest in safe…
Search score: 12.637
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Cycling to school has many benefits, yet some schools are discouraging it. In this guide we aim to help you do something about it Is your child’s school discouraging cycling or banning it altogether? Do you want to do something about it? This guide will help, we hope. It’s mainly for…
Search score: 12.613
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In England, the Government has created an emergency fund for active travel, but what does your council have to do to get the money, and what sort of things can they spend it on? Head of campaigns, Duncan Dollimore sets out some questions and answers on funding, guidance, and what you can do if your council lacks ambition…
Search score: 12.499
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Improve your cycling skills by learning about road positioning. Cycling UK has produced a series of easily accessible video guides on maintenance and road safety. In this guide, we cover basic road positioning and how to tackle junctions safely Why every cyclist whatever their level should…
Search score: 12.497
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This article explains why Cycling UK thinks the Government should avoid introducing measures in the name of ‘cycle safety’ that could reduce cycle use. This includes making training, testing, licensing or insurance compulsory for cyclists/cycles. On occasion, we hear calls for rules and…
Search score: 12.475
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Cycling UK’s Chief Exec, Gordon Seabright, and other staff responded to your questions during a live web chat on 21 June. Questions were sent in through Twitter, Facebook and emails. Answers can be found below. Thanks to all those who sent in questions. In some cases we've responded to you…
Search score: 12.444
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CTC published its league table of political support for cycling in eight English cities on 17 November. Here we analyse the results. "Will you support Space for Cycling in your area and seek the funding needed to make it happen?"  That's the question asked in over 15,000 messages to…
Search score: 12.252
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Communicating with your councillors may sound intimidating but it needn't be. Your councillors are elected to represent you and so should want to hear your views. This is a short guide to help you communicate effectively. Once you have an understanding of what different local…
Search score: 12.252
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The first session of the 'Get Britain Cycling' inquiry has tackled Government and local authority strategy towards cycling, taking evidence from cycling organisations, experts and journalists. CTC today joined other cycling groups, experts and journalists to call for cabinet-…
Search score: 12.252