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As the Metro Mayoral elections get closer, Greater Manchester is the third area to attract widespread support for Space for Cycling among the candidates. As the race for Greater Manchester's first Metro Mayor gathers pace (with polling day on 4 May), four candidates have pledged to deliver…
Search score: 14.730
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Here we meet Dilys Gartside, a passionate cyclist and member of Cycling UK who is using her enthusiasm to motivate others to take up cycling Full name, occupation, area you live in and name of group or activity you support My name is Dilys Gartside. I am a cycling instructor and…
Search score: 14.659
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Cycling UK’s round-up of recent campaigning news. While large parts of the country are returning to some form of lockdown, there's still plenty happening in the world of cycle campaigning. October has seen Cycling UK's biggest ever campaign engagement in response to the Highway Code…
Search score: 14.523
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2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year for everyone, and cycle campaigning is no exception. Cycling UK campaigns officer, Sophie Gordon highlights some wins you may have missed. While coronavirus has brought setbacks, there has also been great progress this year. The Cycling UK campaigns…
Search score: 14.446
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When it comes to level crossings, cyclists need to be assured of at least two things: that they will get across safely; that convenient crossing points are kept open or created. SafetyIncidents at level crossings have a particularly serious impact on the operation of UK railways.Whilst the…
Search score: 14.406
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In February CTC set up the ‘Prioritise this!’ campaign, which asked cyclists to email their newly elected Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and call on them to prioritise road safety in their imminent Police and Crime Plans for 2013-2016. Thank you to all 521 of you who took action.…
Search score: 14.406
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Cycle-proofing is about fixing the problems of the road network, particularly those routes that carry lots of traffic. Cycling UK Campaigns Officer Chris Peck explains. Last issue, we briefly profiled the concept of ‘cycle-proofing’, announced by the Prime Minister last August. In a…
Search score: 14.360
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We're decades behind the Dutch but the UK is finally waking up to transport cycling's potential. In this series looking at cycling across the UK's four nations, cycling journalist Laura Laker asks if a new golden age for cycling is realistic in Wales We all know the arguments…
Search score: 14.360
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New data analysed by Cycling UK shows that more people in England are turning to cycling as the impact of record fuel prices is felt Compared to last year, cycling levels in England rose by 47% on weekdays and 27% on weekends in the five months to the end of July The rise has been…
Search score: 14.169
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CTC has had 3 days of discussions with the Department for Transport's cycling policy team about what both they and we hope will be a genuinely "ambitious" Cycling Delivery Plan. But we face clear challenges too. Earlier this week (on October 21st to 23rd), CTC hosted 3 days…
Search score: 13.943