Cycle Campaign News April 2015
From the Editor
Where do your general election candidates stand on ambition, funding, design standards, safety and positive promotion for cycling?
At the last count, our Vote Bike campaign has revealed the views of over 770 parliamentary candidates, thanks to the 4,240 people who’ve sent them a message through our online system.
We’re happy to report that the vast majority of the would-be MPs who’ve responded have been awarded a smiley face for their strong support.
There’s still time to send an email to candidates who haven’t yet expressed their views and, for some background reading on their parties' policies, have a look at our manifesto round-up.
Subscribe to our email bulletin telling you when the latest Campaign News is online - and what's in it.
Cycle-friendly parties?
To help identify likely allies in the next parliament, CTC has not only been asking potential MPs for their pledges and views through Vote Bike, but also scrutinising their parties' cycling intentions.
The amount of space and thought given to cycling in party manifestos are, interestingly, reflected in the uptake and responses of candidates on CTC’s Vote Bike website. The more a party has to say on cycling, the greater number of candidates have signed up to Vote Bike."
Sam Jones, CTC
Disappointingly, bar two of the mainstream parties, cycling has barely received a 'nod' in the recently published batch of 2015 manifestos. Its status has remained much as it did back in the 2010 election, i.e. an after-thought.
- CTC’s Sam Jones has been looking at what the manifestos say
- Our news story on the latest results of our Vote Bike campaign
Government responds to feedback on draft Cycling Delivery Plan
Tucked amongst three other cycling-related reports published by the Department for Transport (DfT) on 20 March, just before Parliament dissolved, CTC came across the Government’s response to the comments it received on its draft 'Cycling Delivery Plan' for England (CDP). In some respects, the document is reassuring, but its failure to respond to stakeholder concerns about the plan’s targets has dismayed us.
Commenting on respondents’ calls for a long-term commitment to funding - ‘by far the most common matter to be raised at the consultation’ - the Government refers to its recently imposed obligation to produce a 'Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy' (CWIS). How much money this will allocate, of course, is yet to be seen. The report also mentions the £588m already allocated to cycling for various purposes, and the £10 per head for cycling now enjoyed by the eight Cycling Ambition Cities and London. CTC and others, though, would like to see £10 per head for everyone everywhere.
Knowledge sharing and best practice standards
The report also promises a ‘Knowledge Sharing Hub’ to give local authorities clearer insight into what the final plan will expect of them, while the Cycle Proofing Working Group (of which CTC is a member) will create a project plan to clarify what the concept of ‘cycle proofing’ means for road design.
Instead of agreeing to adopt a single national cycling infrastructure design standard (as CTC and others suggested), the Government feels that improvements will come through better sharing of good practice designs, plus use of the Welsh Government’s 'Active Travel Design Guidance' and TfL’s revised 'London Cycling Design Standards'. Happily, CTC feels that both of these publications are sound resources.
Acknowledging the large number of respondents who called for continued funding for Bikeability, the Government says that it recognises the benefits of the cycle training, is exploring expanding the programme and that future funding will be determined at the next spending review.
A serious omission, though, is a response to CTC's objections to the inadequacy of the draft CDP target, namely to merely double the number of cycling trips by 2025. On the face of it, doubling may sound like a reasonable goal, but in reality it isn’t because:
- it includes the quintupling of cycle use which is expected in London; and
- cycle use will increase to some extent anyway, simply because the population of Great Britain is probably going to grow – i.e. a doubling of trips cycled would not amount to a doubling of the percentage of trips made by cycle.
Taking account of these two factors, the Government’s target amounts to only a 74% increase in cycle trips per person outside London, not a doubling. This target looks even weaker when set against the recommendation made by the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group in its 'Get Britain Cycling' report, which called for cycle trips to be more than quintupled by 2025 (from less than 2% to 10% of trips), with a further increase to 25% by 2050.
Next steps for the CDP
When finalised later this year, much of the CDP’s work - e.g. on investment and local authority/central government partnership projects - will draw on advice from the Active Travel Consortium, a body of expert stakeholders including CTC and others. The DfT’s High Level Group of Cycling and Walking Stakeholders, chaired by the Minister with responsibility for walking and cycling, will monitor the plan’s progress and work further on achieving its ambitions.
Other stories
Cycling is a good investment, say official reports
On the same day as it published its draft Cycling Delivery Plan consultation report (see headline), the DfT released two other documents designed to persuade local authorities of the economic sense of investing in cycling and walking:
This report summarises current UK evidence to quantify the impact of investment in cycling and walking schemes, found to yield an average benefit-to-cost ratio (BCR) of around 6:1. It also includes a step-by-step illustration, based on a hypothetical example, that practitioners can follow to help them make a persuasive economic case for investing in cycling or walking.
The Government’s Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF, England) has been awarding money to local authorities for sustainable travel projects since 2011. Now closed, the fund has supported 96 packages in 77 authorities, a good number of which focused on cycling.
According to this report, the LSTF is helping to create employment, potentially between 4,700 and 6,150 jobs per year, at an average cost per job of £44,000 to £57,000. The report also illustrates the methodology for making such estimates so that scheme promoters can use similar analysis to support the case for investment in their proposals.
What's best for sustainable travel projects - revenue or capital funding? Or both?
A further report, published on the same day as the above two, helpfully tackles the question of revenue V capital funding - an issue that has been causing problems for sustainable travel projects for some time:
CTC has long shared concerns that revenue funding (i.e. money for the running costs and staff needed for a project) has been harder to extract from the Government than capital funding (i.e. money for significant assets with a long life-span). This is a problem because revenue funding is important for sustainable travel initiatives that employ staff and need to keep going, e.g. cycle training programmes.
However, this 173-page report, commissioned by the DfT, should change things for the better. Based on seven case studies (three on cycling and four on buses), it compares outcomes associated with a combination of revenue and capital expenditure with outcomes of related projects where there was only capital expenditure. The cycling projects covered by the researchers were the DfT-funded Cycling City and Towns initiative; Exeter workplace cycling; and Links to School and Bike It.
The authors concluded that: “There is clear evidence that both capital and revenue schemes can be effective in increasing cycling and sustainable travel, and that the combination of revenue and capital schemes is likely to offer synergistic effects.”
On the optimum proportion of revenue and capital at local authority level, the report says there is no right answer, but recommends giving authorities the flexibility to decide that for themselves.
Future traffic forecasts to forecast future better
As mentioned in previous issues of Campaign News, CTC has registered concerns with DfT officials about the models they use to forecast future traffic.
Essentially, we felt that predictions that cycle use is likely to suffer a long-term decline while motor traffic enjoys significant growth are based on deficient inputs and erroneous assumptions. For example, the modelling used didn’t take on board recent positive changes in both cycle use and trip lengths, or the fact that motor traffic levels have largely remained flat over the last decade. In other words, it appeared to us that the forecasts failed to account for shifts in travel behaviour that are influenced (or likely to be influenced) by social and cultural factors. Instead, they relied too heavily on economic drivers (the impact of which on car use has, in any case, not been accurately represented in the model, as far as we can see).
Last year, we discussed our concerns directly with DfT and are now pleased to note that the latest ‘National Transport Model’ (NTM) publication shows that they have listened both to us and to others who have raised similar queries. They have, for instance, concluded that “… the factors we typically highlight as being key drivers of road demand - incomes, costs and population - have been important drivers of recent trends in traffic but that they may not tell the whole story.”
As a result, the DfT is now looking to change its assumptions to incorporate “new and emerging trends”, carry out further research and continue to work with stakeholders. CTC will use the opportunity to urge the DfT to make use of the forthcoming ‘Propensity to Cycle’ tool for its cycling forecasts. Currently being developed under commission from the DfT, this tool will be able to estimate cycling potential at the local level, and under a range of assumptions about the future.
In the meantime, the DfT’s latest road traffic forecasts - which still predict growth of between 19% to 55% between 2010 and 2040 - have at least employed “a scenario approach to attempt to capture more of the uncertainty”:
All this is a promising start. However, we believe that the fact that the forecasts assume “ … no change in government policy beyond that already announced” is still a serious problem. If the model fails to account for effective and properly funded policies and interventions to boost cycling - the sort we hope to see from the next government - and keeps predicting decline instead, decision-makers assume that they have no grounds to invest in it and opt for new road building programmes instead.
- DfT’s Road Traffic Forecasts 2015 (March 2015)
- CTC on why models matter (Jan 2014)
- Campaign for Better Transport blog on the changes so far to the NTM, and its telling new online map showing changes in average traffic flows on major roads from 2005 – 2013.
- Propensity to cycle project
How is this justice?
CTC Road Justice campaigners are finding it impossible to comprehend how a court could clear van driver Philip Sinden, 36, of the death 18-year-old Daniel Squire, a cyclist he hit after sending and receiving 40 text messages at the wheel. The collision happened on a straight stretch of road in broad daylight, and forensic records imply that Sinden was most likely using his phone at the time. Despite this incriminating evidence, he was not convicted either of 'causing death by dangerous driving' or of 'causing death by careless driving'.
- For more on this case and how to join our network of local Road Justice campaigners, whose reports of attending such trials are invaluable, see our news story.
Guidance on 'quiet deliveries' could help reduce HGV threat
Delivering goods by HGV outside normal delivery hours (i.e. at night time) is one of the measures that could, potentially, help tackle the disproportionate risk that lorries pose to cyclists. However, residents often object because of the disturbance the noise could cause at night.
In a bid to make this less of a barrier, the DfT has recently published a series of good practice guidance on ‘quiet deliveries’, following on from a demonstration scheme. Improved road safety for pedestrians and cyclists is cited as one of the benefits.
- Specific guidance has been issued for community and resident groups, construction logistics, freight operators, local authorities and retailers.
DfT focuses on young driver safety
With statistics showing that young people, particularly young men, are the group most likely to be seriously injured or killed in a car crash, the DfT has recently published the results of a focus group study into young driver safety. Amongst other things, the researchers looked at attitudes towards potential interventions that could reduce the risks they face.
Having spoken to young people, their parents and potential employers, the researchers concluded (amongst other things) that there is widespread resistance to the intervention of ‘graduated driver licencing’ (by which the right to drive in certain situations is acquired over time - an approach that CTC backs); but a lot of support for making a few key lessons mandatory.
Northern Ireland's draft Bicycle Strategy: feedback on feedback out
The Department for Regional Development in Northern Ireland’s (DRDNI) Cycling Unit has just published its response to comments on its draft Bicycle Strategy.
CTC itself applauded much of the draft strategy's content, particularly its central vision “To establish a cycling culture in Northern Ireland to give people the freedom and confidence to travel by bicycle, and where all road users can safely share space with mutual respect.”
Whilst noting that the strategy is a statement of intent to be followed up by a more detailed delivery plan, we highlighted a number of areas in which we felt it could be strengthened. For example, we thought that it was a mistake to reject a Northern Ireland-wide target to increase cycle use. We also urged the DRDNI to be more positive and adventurous about 20 mph schemes and set a cycling budget of at least £10 per head per year, rising to £20 as cycle use increases. On these specific subjects, the consultation report says:
- Targets: “The Bicycle Strategy Delivery Plan will contain targets. We will continue to reflect on the point as to whether the final Strategy should have an overall target. We believe that it is most important that the final Strategy has political support. That would breathe life into a target.”
- 20 mph: simply “noted”. (However, the Road Traffic (Speed Limits) Bill is currently on its way through the N Ireland Assembly and the Committee for Regional Development has recently called for evidence to help with its scrutiny process. The Bill proposes to set a maximum speed limit on residential roads of 20 miles per hour).
- Funding: “It is agreed that it would be beneficial to be able to include budgetary information in the final Strategy and / or the Bicycle Strategy Delivery Plan. However, in the absence of any budgetary allocations to Departments beyond 2015/16 it would simply be aspirational.”
- CTC response to the original draft
- DRDNI’s consultation report
£3.9m for better 'door to door' journeys
As part of its ‘door to door’ strategy, the Government has announced a £3.9 million package “to boost environmentally-friendly transport and improve accessibility for disabled people” (England). The money will go towards car clubs, an electrically-powered-cycle scheme pilot, and a campaign to increase the number of children walking to school, while twelve mobility centres will be revamped to provide support for disabled or elderly drivers.
4 May deadline for Cycling Symposium papers
The Annual Cycling and Society Research Symposium - Cycling in the City and for the City - will this year be jointly hosted by the University of Manchester and the University of Salford on the 14 and 15 September 2015. The conference website is now up and running, and the organisers are calling for papers and looking forward to contributions.
Cycling helps children with ADHD
Arguably, there are few single solutions to both obesity and attention problems amongst children, but the Specialized Foundation in the US is sure that cycling is the one of them. The foundation has already piloted the idea and found that cycling helps increase the attention span of children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), and is now putting more funding into the programme and research into cycling as an alternative to medication for children with the condition.
Bikes take over car spot in Bristol
One road in Bristol now boasts a new six-bike ‘Cycle Hangar’ for local residents, who pay £25 a year for a space in it. The hanger, funded through a Local Sustainable Transport Fund’s (LSTF) Active Communities Grant, takes up just one car parking spot. There’s already a waiting list.
£1.5m cycle hub for
At the end of March, Transport Minister Baroness Kramer unveiled a new cycle and community hub in Brighton [Photo: Official opening. L to R - Alex Foulds Commerce Director from Southern, Baroness Kramer, cyclist in Velo strip and Brighton and Hove City Council’s Lead Member for Transport, Councillor Ian Davey. Photo courtesy of Becky Reynolds].
The £1.5m facility, funded by the DfT with contributions from Brighton and Hove City Council, Southern Railway and Network Rail, provides an extra 500 secure cycle parking spaces at the rear of the station open to rail and non-rail users alike. It also offers a bike repair and maintenance workshop, and a coffee shop.
CTC and Bricycles campaigner, Becky Reynolds, says: “The new Brighton Station Cycle Hub is a great result of collaborative working. It is well-designed and fully accessible. We are delighted that there will also be provision at Hove and Portslade stations and at other stations across Sussex and Surrey. This will provide more peace of mind and convenience for cyclists and contribute to more bike-train journeys in the wider area.”
... and cycle storage forges ahead in the Netherlands too
Parking for bikes at several Dutch railway stations and city centres is becoming even more impressive than it already was - not least at The Hague, where underground parking for some 10,000 bikes will be available under the square outside the central railway station in 2017. Amsterdam and Delft are also benefiting from major works to supply cycle parking facilities on a staggering scale.
Act now!
Have a look at our Vote Bike site to see if your parliamentary candidates have taken the cycling pledge. If not, there's still time to send them a message.
Thanks to all our supporters who've emailed their prospective MPs already.
New publications
UK Transport Safety: Who is responsible? (Transport Safety Commission)
Last year, the UK Transport Safety Commission, an independent body whose role is to inquire into transport safety matters to inform policy, looked into institutional responsibilities for transport safety (road, rail and aviation).
CTC’s Roger Geffen gave written and oral evidence, and we’re pleased that much of what he said about cyclist safety has influenced the final report.
The Commission makes several recommendations, including:
- Applying the systematic principles, practice and follow-up used in the investigation of air and rail incidents to road collisions, incorporating a learning process kept separate from any criminal investigation;
- Clear leadership at national government level, with ambitious zero deaths and serious injuries targets;
- Treating the victims of road traffic crime no differently to the victims of other crimes;
- Stronger leadership in enforcement, education and campaigning, “demonstrated publicly through placing an emphasis on shared responsibility among the different system providers, as well as personal responsibility”;
- Recognising how important it is to influence road user behaviour without placing undue blame on the victims of road collisions;
- Making active travel less risky and improving people’s inaccurately negative perceptions of it;
- Tougher procedures to deal with and prevent collisions caused by people driving for work (e.g. from both the Health and Safety executive and employers);
- Adequate, dedicated resourcing for road safety, given the high funding levels for air and rail safety;
- Better knowledge synthesis and dissemination of safety research reports and briefings;
- A new and independent advisory body for road safety to provide knowledge continuity, and act as an authoritative source of expertise, dissemination, advice and intellectual leadership in risk management.
CTC welcomes all of these recommendations and very much hopes that the next Government will take them forward.
See also:
- CTC’s report on the inquiry and written submission
- RoadPeace's submission to the inquiry and press comment
Parliamentary Constituency Road Safety Dashboard (PACTS and Direct Line)
A new report, with interactive map, that calculates the casualty rates for residents of each parliamentary constituency relative to the local population from 2008-2013. Although it includes total killed or seriously injured (KSI) casualties, it doesn’t report specifically on cyclists. The aim of the ‘dashboard’ is to give new or returned MPs an accurate picture of the road casualty record in their constituency.
Judicial Outcomes (RoadPeace)
A series of factsheets summarising the latest annual statistics (i.e. from 2013) on court prosecutions of key driving offences. They are designed to raise public awareness of the frequency with which these offences are prosecuted, convicted and the punishments they incur, and provide a useful evidence base for justice campaigners. They cover:
- Causing death by dangerous driving
- Causing death by careless driving under influence of drink or drugs
- Causing death by careless or inconsiderate driving
- Causing death by driving unlicensed, disqualified or uninsured drivers
- Dangerous driving
- Driving with alcohol in the blood above the prescribed limit
- Driving without due care and attention
Cycle-friendly Design Manual (Sustrans)
Sustrans has added a few extra draft chapters to its best practice manual on cycle-friendly design. It now covers:
- Principles and processes for cycle-friendly design
- Network planning for cyclists
- Placemaking
- Traffic free routes: Conceptual design
- Traffic free routes: Detailed design
- Cycle rail integration
- Cycle parking
- Land, legal and planning
- Maintenance and management of routes for cyclists
- Monitoring and evaluation of walking and cycling
Each of the above offers further detail on the concepts, ideas and best practice already outlined in Sustrans's ‘Handbook for cycle-friendly design’.
The authors are inviting comments on the drafts by the end of May 2015.
Research into the impact of Bikeability training on children’s ability to perceive and appropriately respond to hazards when cycling on the road
By Claire Hodgson and Jack Worth
A report on research suggesting that children who have received Bikeability Level 2 training are more confident and significantly better able to perceive a hazard on the road and respond appropriately than untrained pupils of the same age. The researchers also found that this effect is sustained over a period of at least two months afterwards, but that the ability declines over time if children don’t practise the skills they’ve learnt.
Children under the age of ten do not have a good appreciation of road hazards because of perceptual and cognitive limitations, so Bikeability appears to be a very effective road safety measure for them, as long as they keep practising.
Published by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) and funded by the DfT
Does more cycling mean more diversity in cycling?
By Rachel Aldred, James Woodcock and Anna Goodman
A paper analysing data from the English and Welsh Census 2001 and 2011 to find out whether higher levels of cycling are associated with greater diversity among cyclists – e.g. if it has made the domination of men and younger adults in the activity less acute. Finds that:
- where cycling had increased, there was no statistically significant change in gender ratio;
- where cycling had declined, there was a reduction in the proportion of women cycling;
- where cycling had increased, the under-representation of older people had increased.
Noting that other research has shown that “gender differences are low, absent, or in the opposite direction in higher cycling countries and cities”, the (surprised) authors discuss potential causes and policy implications, and suggest that: “The UK's culturally specific factors limiting female take-up of cycling seem to remain in place, even where cycling has gone up. Creating a mass cycling culture may require deliberately targeting infrastructure and policies towards currently under-represented groups.”
The research was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and published in Transport Reviews (February 2015)
Cycling 10:10 (Cyclescheme)
Marking Cyclescheme's 10th anniversary as a provider of the Government's Cycle to Work Scheme, this report supplies a useful range of facts about cycle-commuting, including the results of Cyclescheme’s latest annual survey. Also presents a progress timeline for the last decade, and considers how far the UK’s cycle to work culture has come in the past 10 years and how far we still need to go in order to become a true cycling nation. Predicts that there will be 1.2 million cycle commuters on the roads by 2025.
A Study of the Combined Effects of Physical Activity and Air Pollution on Mortality in Elderly Urban Residents: The Danish Diet, Cancer, and Health Cohort
A paper on the results of a big study that looked at whether long-term exposure to high air pollution in an urban setting undermines the benefits of exercise that amplifies respiratory uptake and deposition of air pollutants in the lung (e.g. physical activities such as cycling and gardening).
Having followed 52,061 residents of Aarhus and Copenhagen (aged 50-65 at baseline) over 13 years and considered their fates, the researchers concluded that: “Overall, the long-term benefits of physical activity in terms of reduced mortality outweigh the risk associated with enhanced exposure to air pollution during physical activity.” In other words, even cycling in polluted urban areas offers more health benefits than risks (although avoiding polluted roads if possible is still advisable).
Impact of policy and built environment changes on obesity-related outcomes: a systematic review of naturally occurring experiments
By S. L. Mayne, A. H. Auchincloss and Y. L. Michael
A systematic review looking at how effective it is to tackle obesity through changes to the living and working environment. Discovered that physical activity-related studies generally found stronger impacts when the intervention involved improvements to active transportation infrastructure (e.g. cycle lanes). The authors conclude, however, that more experiments are necessary to strengthen the evidence base.
Published in Obesity Reviews, March 2015
Traffic on major roads in Great Britain online map (Campaign for Better Transport)
A useful and fascinating campaigning resource giving the current weight and changes in traffic since 2005 on nearly 18,000 main road links. Pop-up charts give data since 2000 too.
Overall in 2013:
- 10,305 roads (57%) saw lower traffic than in 2005, while 7,037 (39%) saw higher traffic;
- average traffic flows on major roads were 2% down on 2005, at 20,575 vehicles per day as opposed to 21,034.
Click on roads nearest to you and you may be surprised by the results!
Cycling statistics (CTC)
Do you need facts and figures about cycling? CTC's Campaigns team continually analyses statistics, reports and research and their latest round-up is now available online.
Find out how many people cycle, where, why, its health and economic benefits and how risky it really is – and much more.
National transport policy (CTC)
CTC's latest addition to our campaigns briefing series sets out our views on how and why cycling needs to be given a central role in national transport policy. With headline messages, key facts and a wealth of background information, this is something we'd like all our newly-elected MPs to read on their first day.
Diary dates
Pedal on Parliament
25 April, Edinburgh
Join the fourth Pedal on Parliament (PoP4) at the Meadows in Edinburgh at 12 noon, and cycle down to the Scottish Parliament for a cycle-friendly Scotland.
Pedal on Parliament is a grass-roots group of people who want to see Scotland become a place where active travel is safe and enjoyable for everyone, whether they cycle or not. PoP calls for:
- Proper funding for cycling (5% of the transport budget & 10% for active travel overall)
- Cycling to be designed into Scotland’s roads
- Slower speeds where people live, work and play
- Cycling to be intergrated into local transport strategies
- Improved road traffic law and enforcement
- Reduction in the risk of HGVs to cyclists and pedestrians
- A strategic and joined-up programme of road user training
- Improved statistics supporting decision-making and policy
Space for Cycling Rides
25 April, Newcastle and Sheffield
- Newcastle: all cycle users, young and old, are invited to show support for Space for Cycling by riding in solidarity for a smarter and healthier city with high quality cycling infrastructure and the backing of local politicians. The ride starts at Newcastle Upon Tyne Civic Centre, and takes in the iconic High-Level and Tyne bridges.
- Sheffield: a mass ride calling for action on key issues such as safe routes to schools, protected space for cycling on main roads, reduced through-traffic and lower speed limits in residential areas. Cycle Sheffield marshals will ensure the group stays together and that the pace is suitable for even the youngest of riders. All welcome.
Providing for Cycling
28 April 2015 – 30 June 2015, London
A 10-week evening lecture series investigating individual, societal, policy and technical issues underpinning current cycling levels, and exploring proven methods of increasing cycling participation rates.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, participants will have a clear understanding of how wider transport and planning policies impact on the uptake of cycling as a mode of transport, as well as the effect that media coverage and the public image of cyclists has on people’s transport mode choices. Delegates will learn about the benefits available to individuals and society from higher cycling levels, as well as the conflicts that can arise as cycling numbers increase. Methods of supporting an uplift in cycling numbers are considered, with policy, infrastructure, training and promotional measures illustrated through the discussion of relevant case studies.
Who should attend
This course is designed to provide a solid introduction to cycling considerations and is suitable for people working in the fields of transport planning, transport policy, highway engineering, road safety, public health, or with managerial responsibility for these roles. It will also be of interest to people addressing cycling and transport issues within the third sector and academia.
Women and Cycling: The Inaugural Women’s National Cycling Convention
30 April, York (organised by Landor Links)
In Holland, 52% of all bicycle trips are made by women, whilst in the UK women account for just 27% of cycle commutes. Women are under-represented both in most transport planning and engineering teams who design the cycling facilities on our roads, and in the cycle industry. Bearing this in mind, this event offers the chance to:
- Learn about the current initiatives that are working to give cycling facilities universal appeal;
- Explore the latest research on the impact of issues such as bike maintenance, safety, cycle training, confidence, community and culture;
- Meet practitioners from around the UK that are working in the field;
- The main objective for this event is to develop a network of women working across all areas of cycling.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Kersten England, Chief Executive, York City Council
- Carlton Reid, author of "Roads were not built for cars"
- Rachel Aldred, Senior Lecturer, Westminster University
- Isla Roundtree, Founder, Isla Bikes
- Chris Garrisson, UK Media Relations, Trek Bikes
- Booking and more information
The Big Bike Revival
23 May - 7 June
We estimate that there are thousands and thousands of cycles lying unused simply because they need fixing, along with thousands of people who don’t ride as a result. The Big Bike Revival aims to solve the problem with a two-week festival encouraging people all over England to dig out their cycles, come along to a bike re-cycling centre and:
- fix and maintain a cycle
- trade-up and donate machines
- learn about local cycling opportunities
- access cycle training
The scheme, which follows a successful pilot last October, is supported by the Department for Transport and delivered in partnership with Bike Re-cycle centres.
Velo-city 2015
2 - 5 June, Nantes (France)
Situated at the crossroads of Eurovelo bike routes 6 and 1, two major cyclo-tourism routes, Nantes will seek to meet four key objectives as it hosts the next Velo-city event:
- Create a replicable model dedicated to regional cities
- Build on the strengths and weaknesses of the Nantes experience and other French cities
- Reach out to the world
- Create a future inspired by cycling
CTC's Sam Jones will be there to give a presentation on Space for Cycling.
National Workplace Cycle Challenge 2015
(Love to Ride, CTC and Cyclescheme)
8 - 28 June
The first of its kind on a national scale, this three-week Workplace Cycle Challenge is inviting 20,000 businesses to see who can get the most staff to ride a bike for at least ten minutes. As team competes against team, office against office and company against company (all very amicably, of course), local and national league tables will monitor progress and determine the front-runners.
It’s free for organisations and individuals to take part, there are six size categories for businesses and a range of individual and team prizes, including a trip for two to New Zealand, new bikes, bike gear, holidays around the UK, and more. Local authorities can sign up to support and boost participation in their area, whatever their cycling budget.
Behaviour change and encouraging modal shift in commuting habits is the underlying aim.
Find out more and get involved
Bike Week 2015 (delivered by CTC as part of the European Union Intelligent Energy Commission)
13 – 21 June (although events still take place until September and beyond!)
Bike Week is one of the best annual opportunities to promote and encourage ‘everyday cycling for everyone’. It’s the UK’s biggest nationwide cycling event and there for people of all ages and abilities to give cycling a go for fun, visiting friends, to get to work, school or local shops.
The special focus this year is cycling to work, boosting people’s confidence and inspiring them to cycle-commute. We’ll be seeing all kinds of imaginative events, such as ‘buddy’ rides with colleagues, forays to scope out the easiest routes, and workplace challenges.
Check out the hundreds of events already planned for 2015, and/or organise one yourself and benefit from FREE event registration on a national site that attracts thousands of hits, public liability insurance and promotional material.
Cycle Active City
25 - 26 June, Newcastle
Now in its 3rd Year, Cycle Active City is a ground-breaking conference and exhibition of products and services for all those working to encourage Dutch levels of utility cycling in Britain.
Organised by Landor Links and hosted by Newcastle City Council.