Privacy policy

Female cyclist wearing Cycling UK t-shirt taking photo of stunning landscape on phone
Cycling UK privacy policy includes what we collect, what we do with your information, security of your personal information and use of cookies.

Cycling UK (“we”, “us”, or “our”) is committed to protecting and respecting the personal data that we hold. Our registered office is:

Parklands Raiton Road Guildford Surrey, GU2 9JX

This privacy statement describes why and how we collect and use personal data and

provides information about individuals’ rights. It applies to personal data provided to us, both by individuals themselves and by others. We may use personal data provided to us for the purposes described in this privacy statement or as made clear before collecting personal data.

The website is owned and operated by Cycling UK.

Personal Data:

Under the UK’s General Data Protection Regulation (“UK GDPR”): personal data is defined as “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ('data subject'); by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person”.

Who is the Data Controller:

A Data Controller is the individual or legal person who controls and is responsible to keep and use personal data in paper or electronic files. We are the data controller as defined by relevant data protection laws and regulation.

Lawful Processing:

The lawful bases for processing are set out in Article 6 of the UK GDPR. At least one of these must apply whenever personal data is to be processed:

  1. Consent: you have given Cycling UK clear consent for your personal data to be processed for a specific purpose.
  2. Contract: the processing is necessary for a contract you have with Cycling UK and Cycling UK has asked you to take specific steps before entering into a contract.
  3. Legal obligation: the processing is necessary for Cycling UK to comply with the law (not including contractual obligations).
  4. Vital interests: the processing is necessary to protect someone’s life.
  5. Public task: the processing is necessary for Cycling UK to perform a task that is in the public interest or for its official functions, and the task or function has a clear basis in law.
  6. Legitimate interests: the processing is necessary for Cycling UK’s legitimate interests (if the processing is fair, balanced and does not unduly impact individuals’ rights). or the legitimate interests of a third party. We will rely on this ground to process your personal data when it is not practical or appropriate to ask for your consent, and where we are confident that this will not impact your rights. This may include where we undertake wealth research on individuals including before we proactively contact them, as set out in section ‘Why Do We Process Data’.

What are your rights in respect of your personal data?

  1. The right of access.
  2. The right to rectification.
  3. The right to erasure or right to be forgotten.
  4. The right to restriction of processing.
  5. The right to be informed.
  6. The right to data portability.
  7. The right to object.
  8. The right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing.

Under the Act and UK GDPR, you may ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and you may request changes be made to this information if it is inaccurate or not up to date. Please write to The Data Protection Officer (DPO), or email [email protected] in these circumstances.

Information we may collect from you:

  • We may collect personal information from you in the following ways:
  • When you make a phone call or send an e-mail to seek information about our services;
  • Recruitment and employment, including agents, suppliers and contractors;
  • When you have donated to us via any method whether directly or indirectly;
  • Through our use of the Cookies on our website (please see the Cookies section below);
  • Through your request for publications and other marketing materials;
  • Through your request for information about our services and related topics and events;
  • Through your registration for events, projects and activities;
  • Through your contacting us with enquiries and comments;
  • Through tickets purchasing;
  • Through volunteering and event attendance;

If you are a next of kin of our staff or service users, we may have your data given to us in that capacity. If you take one the steps mentioned above, we may collect and process personal information about you such as:

  • Your name, address, email address and other contact information;
  • Records of your correspondence with us, if you have contacted us;
  • Health data;
  • Protected characteristics;
  • Disclosure and Barring Service clearance data
  • Donation history;
  • Financial information;
  • Details of your visit to the website;
  • Multimedia files such as photographs and video footages;

Membership, Events, Projects and Activities:

We provide services to individuals as well as organisations. The exact data held will depend on the services to be provided.

Where we engage with individuals, we may collect and process personal data in order to satisfy a contractual or operational obligation. We request that individuals only provide the personal data that is required for us to fulfil our contractual or operational obligation.

Why do we process data?

Where data is collected for membership and/or events, projects and activities, it is used for a number of purposes, as follows;

Providing services to you. Data is processed in accordance with the purpose which we have collected it and may sometimes be further clarified in written documentation supplied before any data processing may occur. We provide a range of membership benefits and cycling events and projects, the different reason why we may process your data includes;

In order to manage and administer our business and services, we may collect and process personal data. This may include (but is not limited to) maintaining internal business records, managing client relationships, hosting events, reporting to funders, administering client facing applications, processing donations, fundraising including sending you information about Cycling UK and its work and how you can support us, and maintaining internal operating processes.

Cycling UK may make use of profiling and screening methods to ascertain who may be able to support us with a larger gift and to provide a better experience for our members and supporters. Profiling can help target our resources more effectively through gaining an insight into the background of our members and supporters and helping us to build relationships that are appropriate to their interests and capacity to give. We use it to tailor our communication and to invite potential supporters to get involved with us in new ways.

We may combine the existing information provided by members, supporters and participants with information from publicly available sources. These may include charity websites and annual reviews, corporate websites, public social media accounts, the electoral register and Companies House. We only use reputable sources, where someone would expect their information may be read by the public. We undertake this research in house and may also engage third parties (see Sharing personal data).

This approach allows us to be more efficient and cost-effective with our resources, and also reduces the risk of someone receiving information that they might find irrelevant, intrusive or even distressing.

We’re committed to putting you in control of your data and you’re free at any time to opt out of this activity. Please contact our Data Protection Office by emailing them at  [email protected] or write to DPO, Cycling UK, Parklands, Railton Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 9JX

How long do we hold data for:

We retain the personal data processed by us for as long as is considered necessary for the purpose(s) for which it was collected, there may also be occasions which will require data to be kept for longer, however this will typically be for legal purposes.

People who use our website:

When people visit our website, personal data is collected both through automated tracking and interacting with various forms on the website or apps (collectively referred to as the websites).

Personal data may be collected when individuals fill in forms on our websites or by corresponding with us by phone, e-mail, completing a survey or otherwise. This includes information provided when an individual register’s to use our websites, subscribe to our service, make an enquiry.

For more information, please visit our Cookie Policy.

Sharing personal data:

We will never sell your information to third parties or share your information with another organisation for its own marketing purposes. However, in some cases, we may need to pass your information on to third-party service providers who are contracted by Cycling UK, in order to fulfil the purposes of the charity.

We only work with third parties who treat data securely.

We undertake wealth research in-house and may also engage third parties such as Factary, Experian or Milestone Research to help us identify people who may be able to support Cycling UK with a larger gift. Other than the third-party service providers who are contracted to us, you can be assured your information will not be disclosed to outside organisations unless we are required to do so by law, for example if you choose to Gift Aid a donation then we are required to

We will only share personal data with others when we are legally permitted to do so. When we share data with others, we put contractual arrangements and security mechanisms in place to protect the data and to comply with our data protection, confidentiality, and security standards.

Occasionally, we may receive requests from third parties with authority to obtain disclosure of personal data, such as to check that we are complying with applicable law and regulation, to investigate an alleged crime, to establish, exercise or defend legal rights. We will only fulfil requests for personal data where we are permitted to do so in accordance with applicable law or regulation.

To do this we may use additional external sources of data, like telephone look up through external and carefully selected agencies. This would be to increase and enhance the information we hold about you and make sure Cycling UK are working with the most up to date contact details. This may include obtaining details of changes of address, date of birth, telephone numbers and other contact details, information related to your wealth, and consumption and demographic data generated through the MOSAIC geodemographic tool. It may also include information from public registers and other publicly available sources such as Companies House, newspapers and magazines.

For mailing and telephone based direct marketing campaigns, we may contact current and lapsed members by telephone and mailing campaigns under legitimate interest. We will not contact you if you are registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) or Mail Preference Service (MPS) unless you have given us opt in consent that you are happy to receive calls or mailings from us.

You may still receive other types of telephone calls or mailings from us if you are on the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) or Mail Preference Service (MPS) as long as they are not for marketing purposes and are admin based, such as checking your direct debit mandate or Gift Aid status, welcome calls and thank you calls or mailings.

We do outsource some of the telephone calling we carry out as well as mailing programs, but we will only ever use carefully selected organisations which operate in a sympathetic manner to Cycling UK.

Where we store your personal data:

The data that we collect from you will be processed at our servers in the UK. It may also be processed by organisations operating in the EEA that Cycling UK has instructed.

If Personal Data is transferred outside the UK or EEA to a country without a designated adequacy rating Cycling UK will request the data subject's consent before processing the data. Consent will not be sought where the Processor's Binding Corporate Rules stipulate that the data will be processed in accordance with UK GDPR (E.g. Survey Monkey: Privacy Notice | SurveyMonkey)

Third party sites:

Our Site may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of our partner networks, advertisers, and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.


For further information on your rights and how to complain to the ICO, please refer to the ICO website

Contact details:

Information Commissioner's Office Wycliffe House
Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113 (local rate)

Changes to our privacy statement:

Updates to this privacy statement will appear on the website. This privacy statement was last updated on 11th March 2024