Cycling UK’s Big Bike Revival calls for all to get cycling in Scotland with community cycle clubs

Barrhead Community Cycle Club in action
Cycling UK’s Big Bike Revival, a national campaign in Scotland designed to encourage thousands of people to cycle for everyday journeys, is offering support to local community groups and volunteers to get more people riding their bikes.

Established September 2016, the award-winning programme developed by Cycling UK and funded by Transport Scotland has been bringing bikes back into use and encouraging everyday cycle journeys in Scotland by offering free mechanics sessions, bike safety checks, confidence building classes, led rides, route planning and more.

Over six weeks in May and June, the Big Bike Revival partnered with 103 community groups and organisations to run close to 500 cycling-themed events in every local authority area in Scotland with the aim to reignite people’s love of cycling. The initiative has reached thousands of people across the nation, and now summer is here Cycling UK is looking to support local community groups, organisations and volunteers to start their own cycling activities with community cycle clubs.

Community cycle clubs include family cycling clubs, groups that help build confidence and fitness for new riders, leisure riding, women’s groups or all-ability cycling clubs. Every group is different and the Big Bike Revival team aims to support all kinds of community cycle clubs with whatever style of cycling they’d like to get involved with. In 2016, Cycling UK worked with more than 50 groups to start their own cycling activities and this year is keen to work with another 50 organisations. 

Humza Yousaf, Minister for Transport and the Islands, said:

“The Big Bike Revival, funded by Transport Scotland, has engaged thousands of people in cycling activities across the country in the past two years. Whether it’s led rides, or bike repair courses, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

"Cycling improves mental and physical health, offering a low cost and low carbon alternative to other modes of transport. More people on bikes means better air quality in our towns and cities by reducing the need to use motorised transport.

“We have steadily increased investment in walking and cycling since 2010, when our first Cycling Action Plan for Scotland was published. Our record level of spending on walking and cycling will continue for the duration of this Parliamentary term and we will continue working with partners, like Cycling UK, so that as many people as possible can enjoy the benefits of cycling and active travel.”

Community cycle clubs will be supported by their own Cycling UK Development Officer, and will be given free training and opportunities that include cycle ride leader, first aid and trailside repair courses. Cycling groups will also benefit from affiliate membership to Cycling UK, free networking events to meet other like-minded people in their area, peer support and guidance, and of course the opportunity to enjoy cycling in a friendly, social group and help get more people riding from A to B.

Shona Morris, Big Bike Revival project manager, said:

“Since the Big Bike Revival was launched in September 2016, we’ve seen thousands of people attend our events across the length and breadth of Scotland and have been delighted at the positive feedback and comments from those who have dusted their bikes down and decided to get back in the saddle.

"We want to support grassroots cycling opportunities and if any community groups or volunteer-led organisations are interested in starting cycling activities then we are on hand. These are free opportunities and we are here to make everyday cycling easy and accessible to people, so get in touch if you want to learn more.”

Kris Blair, Barrhead Community Cycle Club lead, said:

“Our new community cycle club runs on a weekly basis from Cowan Park in Barrhead, having launched in June as part of the Big Bike Revival. With our fleet of adapted bikes and trikes, the Barrhead Community Cycle Club would like to encourage people of all ages and abilities to take part in cycling. Our aim for the club is to have more people cycling, with our led rides and bike hire on offer. More people cycling in the local area will have a positive impact on our community’s carbon footprint and will help towards creating a healthier and better Barrhead. We’re pleased to have the support of Cycling UK on our cycling journey.”

Notes to editors

  1. Images of Big Bike Revival cycling activities to illustrate this press release are available to download from this link:
  2. The Big Bike Revival was launched in Scotland in September 2016 by Cycling UK.
  3. In 2017, 103 groups have been engaged, supporting 471 cycling events to encourage more people to cycle for everyday journeys.
  4. There is demand for more cycling activities and events - of the 103 groups engaged in the Big Bike Revival, 76 have indicated they would like to do a programme of led rides in October.
  5. The diversity of groups across Scotland funded to deliver events and activities for Big Bike Revival in spring 2017 included bike recycling centres, community organisations, local bike shops and charities.
  6. Big Bike Revival is a UK project from Cycling UK, with funded events reaching every local authority in Scotland as well as working across England to engage people with cycling.
  7. The Big Bike Revival in Scotland is funded by Transport Scotland. In England, the Big Bike Revival is funded by Department for Transport.
  8. Cycling UK, formerly CTC the national cycling charity, aims to inspire, encourage and help people of all ages and backgrounds to enjoy cycling more often and safely. Find out more at 


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