Watch again: Introducing King Alfred's Way

During a live discussion with host Anna Glowinski in September, we discussed how King Alfred’s Way came about from Cycling UK’s Sophie Gordon, while also getting the impressions from the route’s first riders Stef Amato from, Katherine Moore one half of the voices behind the Unpaved Podcast, and KAW guide writer and mountain bike test, Guy Kesteven.

King Alfred’s Way is the latest long distance off-road bike packing trail put together by Cycling UK and launched in the summer of 2020. 

Cycling and the Covid crisis: how to keep your group riding safely

Cycling UK is inviting everyone who cycles in a group or club in Scotland to join us for an online informal discussion event.

At this time of year it's more important than ever to get outside for exercise and fresh air, to maintain good mental and physical health. We understand that some groups and clubs have cancelled their runs programme due to the coronavirus crisis and we'd like to help.

Watch again: An audience with... Alex Dowsett

During lockdown we ran a series of An Audience With...cycling superstars and you can watch the first of the series again. In this interview we were joined by British road-racing legend Alex Dowsett!

He was chatting to our very own Anna Glowinksi (virtually of course) about his longstanding career, his weight loss and surviving lockdown. We're delighted that Alex's girlfriend, Chanel, also sat down with us and to let us in on life living with a pro, as well as how she discovered a love of cycling herself. 

Watch again: Break the Cycle Christmas Games

Watch again: Cycling UK and special guests had some festive fun and games in aid of our Christmas fundraising appeal. Expect plenty of funny stories and laughs, prizes and giveaways, and it will all be in aid of our charitable work.

We had plenty of games and quizzes for our guests, as we pitted them against each other to see which team comes out on top. You will be able to play along at home if you wish, or you can just sit back with a drink and enjoy the entertainment.

Webinar: Involve me and I learn - how to communicate changes to the Highway Code

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I learn."

Forming part of a series of events for Road Safety Week that will cover a series of topics that address what we can do to make roads safer – both in “real terms” like Cycling UK’s campaigning and policy work for infrastructure and changes to the Highway Code, and in the perception of safety, by building and developing confidence in individuals so more people choose to cycle.

Webinar: Support your staff to cycle confidently

Fundamentally, cycling is a ‘safe’ activity and transport choice, with overwhelming evidence to prove this, but sometimes there is a feeling from non-cyclists that it is not so. Cycling UK believes that to tackle that perception and get more people cycling to work we need a step change in the way roads are designed, and to examine the role that we can all have in shaping this future.  

Bants, Bikes & Being Female: How to plan a route for cycling

It's back! Season two of Bants, Bikes & Being Female continues with our group of expert guests discussing everything you need to know to keep riding through the winter.

One of the most popular topics we get asked about is on planning routes. Where to go? What apps to use? How to follow them? Disappointing dead-ends and sneaky hills are no longer a threat with a few minutes of prep. Our panellists will be taking you with them on a journey of mistakes made and challenges overcome, be it for 5 miles or 5,000 miles.


Bants, Bikes & Being Female: Motivation to ride in the miserable months

Season two of Bants, Bikes & Being Female continues with our group of expert guests discussing everything you need to know to keep riding through the winter.

"Just one more snooze" and other excuses that we are all guilty of will be sent packing in this motivational panel discussion that is guaranteed to get everyone watching out the door and onto the bike in 5 seconds flat! Or at least messaging a friend to make a reliable commitment.