Janet Atherton resigns as chair of Cycling UK

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The board of trustees are sad to announce that Janet Atherton, chair of Cycling UK, has chosen to resign due to ill health

Janet has served as a trustee for nearly eight years and has been chair of the board for three and a half years.

The board accepted her resignation at their meeting on 25 July 2024 and voted to appoint Paul Baker as acting chair and John Jackson as acting vice chair by resolution at the same meeting. 

The board’s nominations committee will now begin the process of appointing a permanent chair and vice chair.  

The board and Cycling UK wish to acknowledge and thank Janet for her huge contribution to our charity – particularly in her role as chair and her contribution to her local cycling group Wirral Bicycle Belles.

Paul Baker, acting chair of the board of trustees, paid tribute to Janet's contribution to Cycling UK:

“Janet has given so much to Cycling UK, most recently leading us through the development of the new strategy.  She is an inspiration – with her dedication, knowledge and active involvement in Cycling UK. Her passion for the charity and commitment to work for all existing and future cyclists has shone through her time as a trustee.

"Janet told me she will always hold a bit of Cycling UK in her heart, and is very sad to step down, but recognises that, at the moment, she is unable to give the time and effort required to be a trustee and chair.”

Following his election to Parliament in the recent general election, Andy MacNae has also chosen to resign from his role as trustee. Cycling UK would like to thank Andy for his contribution during his six years as a trustee and we wish him well for the future.