Cycling UK’s online ride leader training course for members
Volunteer ride leaders perform an essential role within the cycling community, enabling other riders to enjoy trips by bike without the worry of finding a good route or welcoming coffee stop, allowing them to concentrate on spending quality time in like-minded company for the good of their physical and mental health.
Cycling UK’s new interactive training module, which will initially be available to its member group ride leaders only from January 2023, will give existing and future ride leaders the knowledge and resources they need to plan and lead rides and activities that will ensure people keep coming back for more.
Sharing knowledge and insight
The course has been designed to bring together all the knowledge and insight gained through almost a century and a half of ride-leading experience into one set of standards for Cycling UK groups to follow.
It has been devised by staff at the charity, including qualified cycle instructors, experienced ride leaders and others, and was peer reviewed by a team of volunteer course reviewers from a wide range of backgrounds.
Former chair of Cycling UK’s board of trustees Dr Janet Atherton OBE says: “Running a successful group really depends on having volunteers who are willing to step up and lead or assist on rides. If you’ve always fancied giving it a go, this training provides exactly what is needed to understand what it takes to be an effective ride leader and get you ready for leading your first ride. It’s also a great refresher for more experienced leaders.”
Chief executive of Cycling UK Sarah Mitchell adds: “We are very pleased to announce this initiative, which will ensure that all our member group rides will continue to be well organised, enjoyable and safe, building on the wonderful legacy of the past 144 years of companionship and fun provided by our outstanding volunteer ride leaders.”
I have found this a very clear and concise course, covering all the aspects of ride leading in a simple-to-use, interactive format. I have really enjoyed working through each section and testing my knowledge with the quick quizzes
Volunteer ride leader course reviewer
Clear and concise
An experienced ride leader and volunteer course reviewer said of the training: “I have found this a very clear and concise course, covering all the aspects of ride leading in a simple to use, interactive format. I have really enjoyed working through each section and testing my knowledge with the quick quizzes.”
Another commented: “As an experienced cyclist, but someone new to leading, I thought the training was easy to follow and informative, and gave me some useful hints and tips.”
Units will include
- Ride planning
- Paperwork and equipment
- Keeping the group safe
- Before you set off
- During the ride
- Post-ride and ride-leader essentials
They will cover areas such as carrying out a risk assessment, safeguarding, how to keep track of your riders, ride leader ratios, road positioning and the Highway Code, what to take with you and how to be more inclusive and attract a diverse range of riders.
An accompanying handbook and other resources will clearly set out everything else you need to know to be a successful ride leader.
Get in touch
To find out how to access the course and register your interest in taking part, contact [email protected].