Cycling UK members won’t be cheesed off by Cheddar!

There’s a Gorge-ous view once you’ve cycled to the top!
Nearly 80 Cycling UK members from the Bristol area will be putting months of tough training to the test when they pedal up Cheddar Gorge on the 50-mile Get Gorge-ous Cycle Challenge tomorrow (Saturday 2 July).

The popular event is organised by Cycle Bristol CTC and participants have been increasing their strength, skill and stamina on a series of led training rides since early February, gradually building up from five miles to 50.

The event is open to adult cyclists of all abilities and among those taking part is Francoise Grimshaw, who will dedicate the hardest bike ride she has ever attempted to the memory of her late sister.

Francoise, who lives in Mangotsfield and works at the University of the West of England, said: “In 2006 my sister Catherine died from cancer in the space of just three months. She was 49, five years older than I am, and was really fit.

“It really affected me badly but I got back into cycling about two years ago and it has helped. Now I want to do Get Gorge-ous for Catherine as well.

“I’ve really enjoyed the training and the best advice given to me by my team-mates and leaders was to buy a good bike – and believe me, it did make a difference. I now feel able and confident to commute to work and feel suitably prepared for the Gorge-ous Challenge.”

Jane Hopkins, who lives in Kingsdown, is 75 and wants to complete the 50-mile loop from Long Ashton to the Cheddar Gorge and back to prove age is no barrier to riding a bike – perfectly reflecting the vision of Cycling UK to promote everyday cycling for everyone.

Jane said: “I got an electric bike at Christmas and it’s the best thing I ever bought. I have arthritis and have had a hip replacement, and manual cycling had become too painful. Now I can cycle further without having pain.

“Cycling gives me so much freedom and I want to show that people who might be described as more elderly can still cycle. It’s good for you and I’m so much fitter than my peers.”

There have been plenty of cake stops and I am sure the local economy will miss our training rides!”

Julia Shahin, Cycling UK member and Get Gorge-ous participant

Also tackling the 2.6-mile ascent through Cheddar’s dramatic limestone gorge – a vertical climb of nearly 500 feet – will be sisters Jane Wells and Claire Tidman.

Jane, who lives in Portishead, said: “Our stamina continues to improve thanks to the training rides. We’re as ready as we are likely to be for the Gorge challenge on Saturday. Time will tell if we’re successful!”

Claire, who lives in Bristol, said: “The training rides have been great. I’ve enjoyed cycling with different people and I’m amazed to find new routes close to Bristol that are mainly on quiet roads or cycle paths. My fitness levels, particularly my stamina, have increased.”

Julia Shahin, who lives close to the Bristol and Bath Railway Path in Keynsham, went on a final training ride at the weekend which was billed as 40 miles – only to end up cycling 57!

She said: “The Cycle Bristol CTC ride leader slipped in a cheeky extra few miles and told us, ‘It’s all good training – you will thank me for it!’

“The Get Gorge-ous challenge has been a fantastic way to get to know lots of different routes for cycle rides around the Bristol area. We seem to have gone up every conceivable hill within a 30-mile radius except Cheddar Gorge.

“I am now more confident in traffic and sometimes even choose to cycle on a road rather than a cycle track. More importantly, I have met lots of lovely people who have been very supportive.

“There have been plenty of cake stops and I am sure the local economy will miss our training rides!”