New registration system for NSI Bikeability Instructors
What is happening?
A new online database for instructor information has been developed. This new database gives extra and upgraded functionality compared to the current offline system. This change will give instructors direct access to the information held about them and enable ITOs to upload new instructors directly.
As part of the transition to the new database, all registered instructors will be asked to check and amend their details, confirm that they are actively delivering training, and record information about which Bikeability schemes they work for, and where.
The Department for Transport (DfT) remains the sole Data Controller under the Data Protection Act 1998. This arrangement has not changed. Steer Davies Gleave will continue to manage the database on behalf of DfT, subject to contract.
What’s new?
- Instructors will have secure, direct access to their information, allowing quick and efficient updates of information, as soon as an update is needed.
- The new database will enable a better understanding of how many instructors are actively delivering cycle training and where across the country.
- Instructors will be asked to identify the Bikeability scheme(s) that they work for, and the ITO(s) they are a member of.
What instructors need to do
All instructors on the existing database will be contacted over the course of the next few months – by the end of November 2014 - by email or by letter.
Please look out for this email or letter and follow the step by step instructions to ensure your record is migrated to the new database. The email will have the subject: Action Required! Changes to the National Standard Instructor database, and it will have the Department for Transport’s logo at the top.
Once you’ve logged in and set up your new online account, you can log in and update your details – address, areas of operation, which Bikeability schemes you work for etc. – at any time. DfT recommend logging in at least once a year to check that your record remains up to date.