Cycling UK membership types

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Join Cycling UK today for great benefits to support your cycling and to enable our great work as a charity. We have a number of membership types and payment options available – please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions
Adult individual
Standard adult rate
Third-party liability
Legal assistance
Retail discounts
AGM voting rights
£4.58 / month
£55.00 / year
Receiving means-tested benefits, sole income state pension, disabled or carer, in full-time education or undertaking an apprenticeship
Third-party liability
Legal assistance
Retail discounts
AGM voting rights
£3.00 / month
£36.00 / year
Two adults, plus children under 18 at the same address
Third-party liability
Legal assistance
Retail discounts
AGM voting rights
£7.42 / month
£89.00 / year
Affiliate your social, leisure, campaign, community or workplace cycling group/club for insurance and support.
Organisers’ liability insurance
Rides and events promotion
£88 / year

Cycle Activity Provider
For coaching both on and off road, as well as all benefits of the full individual membership.
Insurance cover for coaching both on and off road
Personal third-party liability
Legal assistance
Retail discounts
AGM voting rights
£10.67 / month
£127.95 / year