Stroud Valleys Cycling Club

Stroud Valleys CC welcomes new faces on all our Club rides. 

We offer a program that aims to appeal to a range of abilities, from novices through to experienced cyclists.

We grade our rides as easy, medium, or hard (e / m / h) and our motto is “No one is ever knowingly left behind!”

Contact details

Our activities

MTB/Offroad rides
Audax/Sportive road rides
Leisure/Touring rides

About us

Stroud Valleys CC welcomes new faces on all our Club rides.


We offer a program that aims to appeal to a range of abilities, from novices through to experienced cyclists. We grade our rides as easy, medium, or hard (e / m / h) and our motto is "No one is ever knowingly left behind!"

Our rides list includes:

  • An easy ride on the first Sunday of each month designed for new, returning and/or inexperienced riders; typically 20-40 miles on relatively easy terrain
  • A mixed-grade ride every Sunday                               
  • A mixed-grade ride, about 30-35 miles, every Tuesday, starting at 1:30pm during the summer and 11:00am during the winter
  • A medium-hard-grade ride, usually about 60+ every Thursday
  • An off-road ride on the last Saturday of the month
  • All rides aim to stop at least once for refreshments.

Club photo galleries

These are available on our web site

Club rides

These are available on our web site

Useful Links

Our web site contains a Useful Info page with advice on cycling and bike maintenance

Interested in joining us?

New riders are welcome on all rides. If you want to discuss whether a particular ride is right for you, or to confirm details of routes, please call the Ride Leader (telephone numbers are published on the Rides List itself.) If you're not sure which rides are relevant to your requirements  please contact the Club at

Rides start no more than 5 minutes after the published start time. Everyone is responsible for their own safety when riding. Bikes must be roadworthy; and must have working front and rear lights for winter or evening rides. Bring a spare inner tube, repair tools, some food (e.g. bananas, biscuits), a drink, money and emergency contact details in case of accident (a card/note with your name, address and emergency contact name and phone no.) If you are lucky enough to be under 18, please carry a parental agreement letter/form, even if your parent accompanies you on the ride. A template of such a consent letter is available at searching for Parent consent letter.

If you are already a member of Cycling UK, you are automatically entitled to ride with us. Everyone else can ‘try us out’ for two rides before joining (at ). Membership of Cycling UK comes with a whole raft of benefits, including £10m third party insurance, cycling-related support and advice, and a great members’ magazine.

Contact us

For further information about Stroud Valleys CC please email


Information about the group rides

Club rides

To access our current and previous rides lists please go to our web site at

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