SAVI Northwest Tandem Club

The SAVI Tandem Club is a unique cycle club which allows visually impaired and sighted cyclists to ride together.

Our activities

Leisure/Touring rides
Rides specifically designed for disabled people

About us

SAVI Tandem Club is a Cycling UK affiliated group, and is part of SAVI Northwest. SAVI stands for: Sports & Activities for the Visually Impaired.

We have a core group of experienced front and back riders, but the club is always open to new members:

  • Tandem front riders - cyclists willing to pilot a tandem.
  • Tandem back riders - people who would love to cycle but need help from a sighted person to do so. This might include those who are blind, partially sighted, and people with sensory impairments.
  • Support riders - those who attend on their own bike to help the group.

Information about the group rides

We have two Sunday club rides a month - one in Liverpool (starting at Bradbury Fields) and one in Wirral (starting at Moreton Shore). Tandems are provided by the club.

The rides vary from easy to challenging, but there's always a stop at a good café! Most rides are around 25 - 30 miles, but some are shorter (20 miles) and some are longer (50 miles). Route details are shared with members prior to the ride.

Tandem riding is about teamwork, so no riders are left behind! Front riders don't need to be elite-level cyclists, but need to be confident on two wheels.

Please contact us to find out more, sign up, and be added to the contact list. There is no obligation for front or back riders to attend every ride - members are added to a Whatsapp group and can sign up for each ride they would like to attend.

We host several taster sessions each year to allow potential front and back riders to have a go. Potential front riders are also welcome to attend a ride on their own bike before trying their hand at piloting a tandem.


SAVI Northwest is associated with Bradbury Fields who enable blind, partially sighted and people with dual sensory impairments to achieve their potential, giving them the ability to contribute to the social and economic fabric of their local communities.

SAVI Tandem Club also works with Energise Cycles in Birkenhead, who provide servicing and other assistance.

Our area