Richard Daniells

It is with great sadness that we report on the untimely death of Richard Daniells. Richard was cycling home to Rothwell from a CTC meet in Desborough on Tuesday 14th June 2022 and was in collision with a car on the road between Glendon and Rothwell. He was taken to Coventry Infirmary where he died later that day from his injuries. He was 79.

Richard was a Cycling UK East Midlands Region Committee Member representing CTC Northampton and our Honorary Auditor. Additionally, he was a key figure in the time trialling world in the East Midlands; leading, organising and timekeeping. He was timekeeper for most open events in South East Midlands and organised events locally and nationally. He was chairman and treasurer of CTT South East Midlands District and fulfilled the same roles for Northampton and District Cycling Association (N&DCA). 2022 was his fifty-fourth year as treasurer of N&DCA. In 2009 he was awarded a Badge of Honour by Cycling Time Trials.

His contributions throughout the world of cycling in the East Midlands will be remembered. Our condolences to his family.

