Meriden Cyclist's Memorial Service Sunday 18th May 2025

Group of people riding

This event is organised by CTC Coventry. 

Meriden, between Coventry and Birmingham, is the proclaimed Centre of England where a national War Memorial dedicated to cyclists was erected on the village green in 1921. Each year hundreds of cyclists from all over the UK come together to pay tribute to cyclists who have died in combat. Additionally, on 11th November, wreaths are laid atop the Cyclists’ Memorial. 

The 103rd Cyclists' Memorial and Celebration of Cycling Service will take place at 11am around the Cyclists' Memorial on the Meriden village green.

While the memorial service has a solemn moment with the minute’s silence to remember fallen cyclists, the event is generally uplifting. Cycling and cyclists are celebrated and groups come together to socialise and provide each other with support and friendship.

The service consists of hymns, readings and prayers followed by members of Cycling UK plus other cycling clubs and organisations laying their wreaths in turn at the cenotaph.

The event concludes at the Village Hall, which is open afterwards for refreshments and cakes baked by the local Women’s Institute.

Meriden – The Cyclist’s Memorial
The memorial was erected on 21st May in 1921 and 20,000 people turned up for its inauguration. The CTC Gazette commented “on the perfect summer evening of May 21st 1921, was the scene of an event unparalleled in the history of cycling. Never has there been such a concourse of cyclists from all parts of the kingdom assembled in the common cause of recognition of the heroism of their comrades fallen in war. Never again can such an occasion recur".
The granite obelisk was initially dedicated ‘To the lasting memory of those cyclists who fell in the Great War 1914-1919’. A fund of £1000 had been raised for the memorial and donations were received from all over the UK, including one from Edward VIII (then Prince of Wales) who auctioned his own bicycle to raise money. In 1963 a plaque was added to commemorate those cyclists who died in World War II and an additional plaque was dedicated in 2014 and gives lasting memory of ALL cyclists who gave their lives when serving their country.