Latest AGM News April 2024

End of an era as we say thanks to Peter Robinson!

On Tuesday April 16th we held our clubs AGM. This was a very successful meeting celebrating our last year of cycling.

This year was particularly significant as it was Peter Robinson's last year as Chair of our club. Peter has been running the club since 1980, a total of 44 years.

He has contributed a great deal to Aylesbury cycling over the years in various roles and is well respected within the local cycling community. It is because of his time and perseverance over these years that we exist as a group.

Our thanks to Peter for all his hard work over these years and we hope to continue to see him on our rides!

We also lost Ben Parry, Philip Baronius and Nick-Vere White, our rides secretary, committee secretary and our treasurer, who have made their own unique contribution to the club and thank them for all their work on the committee and wish them well in their pursuits.

New committee is Penny Dablin - Secretary, Peter Nettle - Treasurer, Roger Lewis-Smith - Rides Secretary, Yvonne Redmond - Safeguarding, Jeremy Scothern - Chair.

Please read the attached report for the AGM from our new secretary Penny Dablin to get the full story of our year!!


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