June/July Newcomer and Easy Pace rides 2024

high contrast row of bicycles
Our leisure rides, why not try one!
Get fit, drink tea, eat cake and enjoy!!

Newcomer and Easy Pace Sunday Rides –June - July 2024

( Rides Start 9:30 a.m. from: Watermead Inn  HP19 0FX -  Weston Turville Shops. HP22 5RH - Bugle Horn HP17 8QP – All rides circular back to the start )

June 2nd Easy Pace Watermead to Mursley Farm Graham & Tony

June 9th Tour de Vale Mandeville Stadium (15/46/68 mile rides)

June 16th Easy Pace Weston T to Chinnor Centre Jeremy & Pete

June 23rd Newcomers Weston Turville to College Lakes David & Penny

 June 30th Easy Pace Watermead to Poppies Pete & Yvonne


July 7th Easy Pace Watermead to Thame Helen & Anne

July 14th Newcomers Bugle Horn to Crew Cafe Colin & Peter 

July 21st Easy Pace Weston Turville to Ashridge, Hill Farm Peter & Penny

July 28th Newcomers Bugle Horn to Bradmoor Farm David & Pete

(Newcomers 15 to 20 miles 8-11 mph, Easy Pace about 30 miles 10 – 11 mph )

                                                               ----------Easy Plus-----------

 Easy Plus is for people who want to do a bit more when there’s a Newcomers, same start of 9:30 a.m. and same place. They may be a bit faster or steeper and sometimes longer than Easy Pace. (30 - 35 miles 10 – 12 mph)

 June 9th Tour de Vale Mandeville Stadium (15/46/68 mile rides)

June 23rd Easy Plus Weston Turville to Lakers Pete & Tony

July 14th Easy Plus Bugle Horn to Waterperry Yvonne & Tony

July 28th Easy Plus Bugle Horn to Watlingtom Jeremy

Please note these are ‘leisure’ rides with an arranged leader. If you are a fast rider please adjust your pace to suit the group. The club also has faster rides with the Step up and Moderate groups, details on the Aylesbury CUK website and our Facebook page. Thanks!

(For contact our email is: aylesburycuk@gmail.com)

----------------    Guide to Group Riding   --------------

Welcome to Aylesbury Cycling UK, whether you‘ve already ridden with us or are new we hope this guide will be useful to you.

Cycling is largely common sense, but here are a few basics.

Check your bike over the night before for punctures and ensure it is functioning correctly, especially the brakes. If you haven’t ridden your bike for a long time or are borrowing one, give it a short ride to make sure it is OK with the saddle at the right height for you. (legs should be able to extend well but not quite fully, avoid the low bent leg BMX style!

Have at least one spare tube. The tyre size is on the side of the tyre. (700c x width and 26 x width are common sizes)

Bring a drink, wear suitable clothes and bring a waterproof. Also some money for refreshments and you phone.

Helmets are recommended but not compulsory.

If you are new, let the leader know.

Keep a safe distance from other riders, you can ride two abreast, but if a car wants to overtake, you may need to drop back to single file. Somebody normally calls out if there is a car.

Let people know when you overtake, when stopping keep well into the side or off the road and avoid stopping at junctions. Try not to stop suddenly unless you know there is nobody close to you. Also don’t cut across other riders,

If you see walkers, runners or horses in the road. Give plenty of space and if nobody has  called out shout walker etc. With horses it is important that somebody in the group says hello to the rider before you pass so that the horse is not spooked. The leader will normally do this. 

Don't automatically trust cars at traffic lights, roundabouts and at junctions. Keep aware!

Point at obstacles like potholes so others will know.

If you are finding the ride hard or have any problem, let the leader or somebody know, so the pace can slow down.

Unless you are an experienced cyclist, for your first ride try the Newcomers, then if you want to do a bit more, try the next level. (Easy Pace, Step Up and Moderate) That way you can find a level that suits you.

We also meet socially on Wednesday evenings, so you can always come along and chat to other riders about our rides before you start or just meet others.



If you want to know more - email: aylesburycuk@gmail.com

For Step Up and Moderate Rides:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JXW9FUJOJtTVFSdAHPI-8OzdbvhL_-5…

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