No Limit Cycling Club

No Limit CC (NLCC) is an exciting and inclusive cycling club located in the vibrant city of London. Our club offers a unique opportunity to learn and explore a diverse range of cycling experiences while having a fantastic time!

Our activities

Leisure/Touring rides

About us


The committee is made up of a group who are passionate about our principles, the committee work in the background to make sure that they are pushing towards the club's mission of being an all-inclusive club which promotes a healthy and active lifestyle. Giving everyone the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills, and confidence in all aspects of cycling with No Limit!

Ride Captains

Great group rides consist of three key ingredients. Knowledgeable ride captains, enjoyable routes and our members. Our ride captains are British Cycling accredited coaches whose main task is to ensure members have a good and safe ride. Irrespective of our member’s abilities, we will support them to learn new or develop their existing skills.

Information about the group rides

Club Rides
NLCC Members can join us on either Social or Training Rides. Riders join groups based on ability ranging from new cyclists (group 4 who are learning how to ride confidently on roads, learn hand signals, ride in a group, and other related skills to help them progress as riders) up to our experienced cyclists (group 1) who are confident riding in a group at high speeds doing drills like through-and-off, paceline, sprints, and more


Skills Sessions

Our skills sessions have been greatly received. We have engaged with partner agencies to provide specific skills sessions to our members. This has included bike maintenance, where practical and theoretical guidance has been given on how to fix a puncture and common terms used for bicycle parts and so forth. This ensures that our members  are aware of basic bike maintenance which will enable them to keep their bikes in good order for our regular sessions, as well as ensure that they can be self-sufficient on occasions when they decide to venture out alone.


Saturday Club Rides

Weekends provide the fundamental basis for our rides. Our Saturday rides are social rides.

Our Saturday rides are inclusive, we offer two routes with varying degrees of difficulty. These rides are longer and more challenging routes for our more experienced riders, and a shorter route with less gradients, for those who have little or are less experienced.


Zwift Sessions

These indoor sessions are also provided throughout the winter months when road conditions are unsafe or undesirable; these enable us to keep in regular contact with our riders during this time.

Our area