Elgin Sports Community Trust
Our activities
About us
Active Recovery Moray is an inclusive programme designed to bring people together from all walks of life, to share their love for Mountain Biking with likeminded people every week of the year.
Information about the group rides
Every Monday 10.30am-12.30pm meeting at The Gleaner Arena Pavilion Club House, cycling through local woods.
Just get in contact and we'll get you involved.
Don't have any gear? No problem! Through our partners we can equip people with bikes, helmets etc at no cost!
Can't make it on Mondays? Come join us on our monthly rides that usually take place on the last Sunday of each month.
Elgin Sports Community Trust is a recognised Mental Health Accredited Sports Club
Arrows Service - Providing drug and alcohol support in Moray
Cooper Park Active Travel Hub - Cycling UK Moray provide an extensive range of standard, adaptive and e-bikes to offer an inclusive cycling experience to all adults
Moray Community Sports Hub - a collective of local sports clubs & other community organisations that come together to improve the contribution that sport & physical activity has on a community