
ChiCycle run events like this Cycle Powered Cinema viewing

ChiCycle warmly welcome you to join our rides, events and campaigns in and around the Chichester area

Our activities

Family rides
Rides specifically designed for disabled people
Campaigning group

About us

ChiCycle support all types of cycling (and walking too). We are particularly active in promoting utility cycling as an alternative to car dependency. ChiCycle's vision is that the flat coastal plains to the South of the Sussex Downs should enjoy high quality infrastructure similar to Dutch standards for cycling.

You may join (or request information about joining) the ChiCycle campaign by contacting…

Email:- [email protected]

Phone:- 01243 781445

Philip Maber is currently chair of Chicycle and is always pleased to hear and respond to anything related to sustainable transport in the Chichester area.

Philip Maber may be contacted

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01243 811672

Address: Garden Copse Cottage, Singleton, PO18 0HH

Mark Record is currently the secretary of ChiCycle and will do his best to respond to matters regarding local walking and cycling.

Mark Record may be contacted:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01243 781445

Post: 22 Barton Rd. Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 3LJ

Sarah Sharp set up ChiCycle in 2010 to promote sustainable transport use in the Chichester Area. She is currently a Green Chichester City Councillor. Sarah is very approachable and would love you to get in touch about any environmental or sustainable transport issues in and around the Chichester area.

Sarah may be contacted:

Email; [email protected]

Phone; 07789 843556 or 01243 790077

Writing; 13 Whyke Lane, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 7UR

If you wish to make a donation to ChiCycle our account details are

ChiCycle’s Bank Account is with NatWest in Chichester

Sort Code: 60 05 24

Account No: 20796579

Our area