Remember Cycling UK in your Will

Cycling UK, the national cycling charity, has a long history of supporting and protecting cyclists and helping new generations discover the joys and benefits of cycling. Help us protect the future of cycling by remembering us in your Will

Why leave a gift to us in your Will?

As the oldest cyclists' organisation, we have facilitated some of the most important changes in public policy around cycling, and ensured that everyone who wants to cycle has the right to ride safely.

However, as we now look to the future, and see more crowded roads, fewer green spaces, higher fuel prices and an obesity epidemic, we know our work to promote safer cycling for health, fitness, transport and leisure is going to become increasingly important.

Will you help us meet these challenges to protect, promote and inspire cyclists for future generations by leaving a gift in your Will?

As a charity, we depend on legacies and donations to help us develop cycling in all its forms.

We know that it’s important to you to look after your friends and family in your Will, but we hope that, once you have done this, you may be able to afford to leave something in your Will to help inspire and encourage cycling and cyclists for generations to come.

If you would like some more information about leaving a gift in your Will, please download our handy guide.

If you prefer a confidential chat please contact Emma Morris on 07584345489 or send an e-mail to us.

man cycling on a scenic path

Help with making or updating your Will

  • Think about who you would like to benefit from your Will; family, friends and charities
  • Think about what you have and make a list to help understand what forms your estate
  • Think about who is going to sort out your estate, carry out your wishes. Who will be your Will's executor?
  • We would always recommend using a qualified solicitor or a member of the Institute of Professional Will writers. It is the best way to ensure your Will is correct and legal so your wishes are carried out. It is also important to bear in mind, however, that the law regarding Wills is not the same throughout the UK. 
  • Why not download our handy guide about leaving a gift in your Will 
  • Already have a Will? Then we have a Codicil form you can use to make a change or addition to your Will. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need a Will?

By making a Will, you can ensure that your assets are passed on to the people and charities that you want. If you don’t have a Will, the state will decide how your property should be distributed

How do I make a Will?

We strongly suggest that you use a qualified solicitor to write a new Will or to amend an existing Will. You can find a local solicitor using the Law Society’s website.

You should be clear about the amount and type of gift you would like to leave to your beneficiaries, whether they are family, friends or a charity. Before consulting your solicitor, consider the value of your possessions and decide what you would like to leave, and to whom – it might be useful to jot all this down on paper.

What can I say in a Will?

When you make a Will you can say how you would like your financial affairs to be dealt with after your death. But Wills are not just about money - if you have legal responsibility for a grandchild or child under the age of 18, you can use your Will to specify who will become their guardian.  You can also use your Will to say what kind of funeral you want, or arrange for the care of pets.

How much does it cost to make a Will?

The cost of writing a Will varies from solicitor to solicitor and also according to the complexity of the Will. As a rough guide it could cost around £100 plus VAT for a straightforward single Will and £160 plus VAT for a straightforward double Will. 

What are the different types of legacy?

There are several different ways you can leave a gift in your Will to a charity, or other beneficiary. We’ve outlined the main types below.

A residuary gift

This is the gift of all or part of the value of your estate, after debts, other legacies and liabilities have been met. This has the advantage of automatically keeping up with inflation.

A pecuniary legacy

You can also choose to leave a specified sum of money, which you can arrange to be increased in line with inflation.

A specific legacy or gift in kind

This is the gift of something valuable like a property, a piece of jewellery or stocks and shares. The form of wording is the same as a pecuniary gift, except that the gift is specified instead of a cash sum.

A reversionary legacy

This gift has the advantage of providing for your family first and then benefiting the charity. So when the original beneficiary dies, the gift in your will reverts to your preferred charity. Your solicitor or legal advisor will be able to provide you with wording for this form of legacy.

What about Inheritance tax?

Taxation rules change frequently. Your solicitor can provide Will tax-planning advice or arrange for the services of an accountant or tax adviser. A Will can allow you to plan your financial affairs to optimise how much you leave to family, friends and charities.  For example there is currently no inheritance tax payable on a gift left to a registered charity in your Will.

Why should I choose executors?

Executors are responsible for dealing with your estate in accordance with your instructions. The role can involve handling large sums of money. If you have young children, it's best to appoint separate executors and guardians so your financial legacy is separated from the health and welfare of your dependents. Never appoint your spouse as your sole executor in case you die together.

Can I choose what my legacy is spent on?

Of course you can. Whilst we welcome legacies that can be used for current priorities to allow us to meet our most urgent needs, we are also very happy to accept gifts for a particular use. That means you can choose where and what your money is spent on, for example, you might like to support a particular area of our work, such as our campaigns or road safety training.

Can I be sure my legacy will not be swallowed up by administration costs?

Yes, you can. The last thing you want is for the money you entrust to us to be eaten up by administration costs. We already keep these to a minimum, but all legacy funds we receive go directly to fund the parts of our work that fulfil our Charitable Objectives.

As a membership subscription organisation we are able pay for any incurred administration costs and overheads from other sources.

I am an executor, where do I send the legacy payment?

All correspondence should be sent to James Newman at Cycling UK National Office, Parklands, Railton Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 9JX. James will reply to the accompanying correspondence and sort out allocation of funds. Cheques should be made payable to Cycling UK.

Janet Atherton, Chair of Trustee photo

Janet Atherton, Cycling UKs Chair of Trustees

"Now, more than ever, feels like the right time to leave a gift and I wouldn't be asking you this if I wasn't going to do it myself.

"It is one of those things you can so easily put off but it is so reassuring to know that the things in life that really matter to me, my family, my friends and my passions are cared for.

"Cycling has made such a huge difference to my life and I want to make sure that other people and future generations, can experience that too."

Already made a Will?

Many people make a Will and assume that's all they need to do. However, circumstances can change over the years and so it is always advisable to take a fresh look at your Will every few years to ensure it meets your current needs.

Changing your Will

If you have already made your Will and decide that you would like to add a gift to Cycling UK, a Codicil is a good, inexpensive way to do so. Adding a Codicil to your Will enables you to leave a donation to us whilst ensuring that the other provisions remain untouched and you won't have to pay for your Will to be completely rewritten.

Handy guide to leaving a gift in your Will

Once you've read our guide to leaving a gift to Cycling UK in your Will, should you need any further help please contact Emma Morris on 07584345489 or e-mail us.