Cycle Access Fund - Shared/Individual Expression of Interest

  • Current Eligibility Check
  • Organisation Details
  • Current Activities
  • Shared Use Bikes
  • Individual Bike Ownership
  • GDPR and Privacy
  • Review and Submit
  • Complete

Please select the Local Authority where your business/organisation is registered.

Which Cycle Access funding strand(s) are you interested in?

You may apply for both however funding will only be awarded for one strand at a time. 

If successful, we will discuss your submission further with you before agreeing which strand will be progressed first. 

Completing your application

To ensure your application does not time out during completion, we suggest downloading the word version of this form to view and prepare your answers offline. insert link

Once you are ready to submit, please return to this form to complete your application.

Explanation of application process/timing

Inc. heads up about Annual Accounts in final submission etc

If your organisation is based in Helensburgh or Lomond area, please edit your choice of Local Authority to Argyll and Bute (Helensburgh or Lomond) to continue your application.

Unfortunately, organisations in the remaining areas of the Argyll and Bute Local Authority are not eligible for funding from the Cycle Access Fund during 2024-25.

If you would like to be notified of similar funding in your area from other funding providers or from Cycling UK in the future, please complete this short expression of interest form



Unfortunately, organisations in your Local Authority are not eligible to apply for funding from the Cycle Access Fund during 2024-25.

If you would like to be notified of available funding in your area from Cycling UK in the future, please complete this short expression of interest form.

Completing the Form

Before continuing, please read Shared Use EOI Process Guidance. which covers how to complete the expression of interest form.

Before continuing, please read Individual Bike Ownership EOI Process Guidance. which covers how to complete the expression of interest form.

Forms cannot be saved as you progress. We recommend downloading the text version of the EOI form below to view all questions and complete offline. Please return to the online form to transfer your details before submitting.

Download a text version of the EOI form here.

If you have any queries, please email us prior to submitting.