Please select the Local Authority where your business/organisation is registered.
You may apply for one or both.
If your organisation is based in Helensburgh or Lomond, please edit your choice of Local Authority to Argyll and Bute (Helensburgh or Lomond) to continue your application.
Unfortunately, organisations in the remaining areas of the Argyll and Bute Local Authority are not eligible for funding from the Cycle Access Fund during 2024-25.
If you would like to be notified of similar funding in your area from other funding providers or from Cycling UK in the future, please complete this short expression of interest form.
Unfortunately, organisations in your Local Authority are not eligible to apply for funding from the Cycle Access Fund during 2024-25.
If you would like to be notified of available funding in your area from Cycling UK in the future, please complete this short expression of interest form.
We would like to understand how your application for funding fits into your organisation.
Please give details of services and activities you provide.
We have now allocated all funding in your region for the Repair and Recycle strands for 2024/25.
Please complete this short expression of interest form to be the first to hear about available funding from April 2025.