Gladhouse Reservoir

Group of people riding
Group ride

Event description

Sunday’s ride is to Gladhouse reservoir for a picnic lunch. Overall mileage is 31 miles starting and ending at the Robin’s Nest Pub car park, 393 Gilmerton Road. Remember to add on the distance from your home and back. Please meet at 9.50 am for a 10 am start. We shall head out to Loanhead, Roslin and Auchendinny to take the cycle path heading east for a short time. We have to dismount to push up a path for about 30 yards to reach the road on the other side of Roslin Glen. The Roslin Glen road was flooded on my recce and best avoided! Then it’s roads all the way up to Gladhouse reservoir where we will have our picnic. (17 miles) Our route back is through Temple, Carrington and Bonnyrigg and a tarmac cycle path that takes us to Eskbank. Thereafter we ride back up the Gilmerton Road to the start. Total 31 miles.

Apart from a small section, this route is on hard surfaces, but there are potholes, large puddles and wet leaves which may be slippery, so do take great care, especially going downhill. No official toilet stop, but plenty of al fresco opportunities. Weather at the moment looking a bit overcast, but little wind which is great!

Bring suitable clothing, something to sit on wet grass, 2 spare inner tubes, pump and basic repair kit, snacks and drinks to keep you going and a picnic lunch. Please do not forget to check before you start out that your bike is roadworthy, especially the brakes. Our riding guidelines are essential reading prior to coming on a ride to ensure your safety and the safety of others in the group.

Our limit is 9 riders in accordance with the latest advice from Scottish Cycling. We should ride in small groups of maximum 3 riders with 2m distancing whilst riding and during our picnic. It is important to leave large gaps between the groups. Our riding guideline is 50 metres. At junctions the last person in a group should check that the following group has seen where to go. However we will stop regularly to make sure no-one gets left behind!

The group will always do their best to help anyone in mechanical difficulty. However, you are ultimately responsible for looking after yourself and getting yourself home.

Please TEXT me 07974113737 if you would like to come on the ride. I will confirm whether or not there is a place. If you change your mind, please let me know, so another person can take your place.

You should already have emailed me [email protected] to confirm you have read the covid regulations below.

Please note that by attending a ride:

· You are self-certifying that you are well and not required to isolate or quarantine.
· You agree to maintain social distancing when not cycling and currently during cycling.
· You agree not to share food or drink
· You will carry a mask and hand sanitiser in case of untoward events, such as mechanicals or accidents.
· You agree to follow NHS guidelines if you become unwell after the ride.

Looking forward to seeing you for a great ride on Sunday!


Event type

Route details

  • 30 mi / 48 km

Start location


393 Gilmerton Road
EH17 7PX
United Kingdom

Date and start time

  • Sunday 18 October 2020 - 10:00

Contact details