Cycling UK Scotland 2019 Gathering and AGM

Group of people riding
Event ride

Event description

All Cycling UK members are invited to attend the Cycling UK Scotland Gathering and AGM on Saturday 9 November at the City of Edinburgh Methodist Church. We'd also love to welcome non-members that would like to know more about Cycling UK!

There will be an optional ride in the morning, with the AGM following that. Lunch will then take place and an afternoon of presentations and discussion.

For those who would like to take part in a morning ride, sign up to attend the AGM via the below Eventbrite link and contact [email protected] to indicate interest in the ride. The rides will be split into two groups, with a scenic option and infrastructure option – each taking around 45 minutes. Those joining the ride should arrive for 9.30am.

Those choosing to attend only the AGM, should sign up to attend the AGM via the below eventbrite link and arrive for 11am.

We’re delighted to welcome Lee Craigie, Active Nation Commissioner for Scotland and representatives from our project, Edinburgh All Ability Bike Centre, who will be giving talks in the afternoon.

Two Pecha Kucha sessions will also take place in the afternoon. We would like to invite member and affiliate groups, campaigners, tourers and those with a story to tell to participate. Pecha Kuchas are short presentations with 20 slides and 20 seconds for each and are a great way to sum up events and activities. If you would like to contribute, please contact [email protected] and we can give you a slot.

See the day's timings below:

• 9:30 Arrival at the Methodist Church (Ride & AGM arrival)

• 9:45 Optional infrastructure/scenic rides

• 11:00 Refreshments available (AGM only arrival)

• 11:30 AGM

• 12:00 Lunch

• 13:00 Pecha Kucha presentations

• 13:30 Talk from Lee Craigie, Active Nation Commissioner for Scotland

• 14:00 Talk from Edinburgh All Ability Bike Centre (ABC) representatives

• 15:30 More Pecha Kucha presentations

• 15:30 Close

All papers and documentation for the AGM will be emailed to you in advance of the day.

Please note this agenda's timings may change. We will email you with the finalised agenda ahead of the event.

We look forward to seeing you!

Start location


25 Nicolson Square
United Kingdom

Date and start time

  • Saturday 9 November 2019 - 09:30