Review: Lvxing prescription riding glasses

Cycling development officer Gavin Wood takes a look through the lenses of these prescription cycling sunglasses from eyewear specialists Lvxing

The Lvxing range includes both non-prescription and prescription riding glasses. This pair came with a prescription insert held firmly in place by the nose pads. I used them for a mix of commuting, mountain biking and road riding. The glasses come nicely packaged, with a hard case, a cloth bag and five sets of interchangeable non-prescription outer lenses for a range of conditions.

The outer lenses are much wider than my existing pair and prevented my eyes from watering on cold descents. This, along with the slightly bigger prescription insert, also offers a larger corrected field of vision, giving excellent peripheral vision. The outer lenses are easy to change. They clip in and out without feeling like you’re going to snap the lens or stress the frame.

My only gripe was the lack of a clear outer lens option, which I prefer for night riding. They’re a relatively inexpensive solution for corrective glasses: the price includes the prescription insert.

Lvxing prescription riding glasses, £89


  • Good value
  • Peripheral vision


  • No clear lens

First published in Cycle magazine, June/July 2015 issue. All information correct at time of publishing.