Travellers’ tales: a cycling adventure in Scotland’s northern islands

Four men in yellow and black cycling kit, all wearing helmets, are standing on a wooden bridge next to a sign saying they've reached the most northerly point of the National Cycle Route. One bike can be seen in the foreground.
From left: Jim, Jonathan, Jez and Matt reach the most northerly point on the National Cycle Route
In summer 2023, 78-year-old ex-Marine and Cycling UK member Jonathan Thomson rode across Orkney and Shetland with some ex-forces friends

On a seven-day cycling adventure across the Orkney and Shetland islands, I joined three ex-forces colleagues to raise funds for UK veterans’ mental health charity PTSD Resolution. We aimed to cycle to the northernmost road in the British Isles and back, covering over 700km.

This journey tested our grit and determination as we battled the elements, while also rewarding us with diverse landscapes and wildlife. From ancient stone circles to wartime history, Orkney’s otherworldly beauty fascinated us. Crossing to Shetland brought mist and rain but the vibrant wildflowers were a heart-warming sight.

We reached our northernmost point at SaxaVord Spaceport, before turning south to Lerwick. Our final day in Shetland brought peaceful scenery and playful lambs.

A scenic shot showing two men in yellow and black cycling kit riding on a quiet, narrow road with a field in the foreground and sea and sky in the background
Cycling on Hoy, looking north to Scarp Flow

On Orkney, the Neolithic sites and lush green fields captivated us. Seeing dolphins on our return to the mainland was a delightful ending.

This trip allowed us to connect with history and nature while raising money for a meaningful cause. Despite challenges from the weather, each day brought accomplishment.

The array of wildlife, from dolphins to ground-nesting birds, was a privilege to observe. The diversity of landscapes, from open moors to green valleys, created an unforgettable backdrop. Most special was the camaraderie between myself, Jim, Matt and Jez.

Our fourth cycle for PTSD Resolution has now raised over £100,000. This journey tested our limits but brought profound rewards.

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A tale to tell

Are you a Cycling UK member with a Travellers’ tale you want to share? Email your story to Cycle magazine for possible inclusion. Read our guidelines on how to write for the magazine for further information.