Local elections toolkit for cycle campaigners

Urban cyclists
Politicians, local and national, are not always clear on just how popular measures to encourage active travel are. But what better time than the elections to convince them that this is a vote-winner?

Elections are a great time for all cycling advocates to call on decision-makers to step up, be bold, carefully plan and speedily deliver the cycle lanes and safe cycling infrastructure we all need.


  • How about taking your candidates for a bike ride to show them what needs to change in your neighbourhood?
  • What about hosting a hustings and grilling them all?
  • Up for a stunt to catch their eyes and draw in the media?
  • But how do you handle the media - papers, radio, TV and social media?
  • How do you keep up the momentum, organise and focus your campaigning now and in the future?

Our new toolkit for local campaigners is here to help:



Find more how-to guides, tips and advice on our Cycle Advocacy Network resources page.


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