Visit Sefton and West Lancashire - Formby Squirrel Ride
Visit Sefton and West Lancashire in partnership with the National Trust at Formby Point have delivered a series of CTC led rides incorporating the cycle routes and points of interest within the area.
Previous rides have taken in Formby's renowned Larkhill farm and its asparagus fields, the famous 'Another Place' and its iron men at Crosby Beach and last but not least the red squirrel reserve at Formby Point.
The first squirrel ride took place on a bitterly cold day way back in February and proved extremely popular, attracting 22 hardy riders, ranging in age from 5 to 60+. This next ride should prove to be equally as popular and enjoyable.
The ride will cover a distance of approximately 8 miles from Formby to Southport and will begin with a brief information talk from the resident National Trust Officer, detailing the preservation work carried out to increase the red squirrel population. We will then begin the ride, making our way through the pine woods before stopping at the Natural England Office for refreshments and to hear about the conservation work they are carrying out in the area.
After this quick stop it is back on the bikes for the last stretch down the coastal path and into Southport. There will then be the opportunity to either head over to Southport Train Station to further your journey or cycle back to Formby.
There is a nominal charge for these rides of £4.00 or £6.00 with bike hire.
Pre booking is essential, to book visit the National Trust events website or call
01704 878 591
The ride will start at 10am at the National Trust notice boards at Formby Point, it is advised to arrive slightly earlier to register and if hiring a bike to complete bike set up.