Sarah Mitchell

Industry mogul
Sarah Mitchell
Cycling UK chief executive
Sarah Mitchell joined Cycling UK as its new chief executive in October 2020 after leaving Heart of the City, an organisation advising on responsible business. She is also a former chief executive of Carers Network and head of housing at Crisis, the national charity for homeless people.
Originally from Derbyshire, Sarah has now been a city cyclist for 17 years and describes herself as an ‘everyday cyclist’ who commuted daily on her bike through London before the coronavirus restrictions were imposed.
Sarah is passionate about encouraging people from all communities to cycle more, not only to improve the nation’s health and the environment, but to add a little bit of pleasure to everyone’s lives.
“I'm proud to be leading Cycling UK, the cycling charity for the UK. It's a thriving organisation with a passionate and enthusiastic membership and together I know we can make lasting change to ensure the UK becomes a true cycling nation where riding is not only encouraged, but enjoyable and safe.
"We have a massive opportunity at the moment to support more women from communities all over the UK to get out on their bikes.
“Women make up 50% of the population and yet the vast majority of cycle journeys are made by men. We have to redress this imbalance.
“Cycling UK provides women with the space, support and opportunity to cycle. Whether that’s by organising women-only rides or providing online support and training sessions.
“The Women’s Festival of Cycling might be taking place in July but our support of women in cycling continues all year long.”
The Women’s Festival of Cycling might be taking place in July but our support of women in cycling continues all year long
Sarah Mitchell