Louise Vardeman

Sporting hero
Louise Vardeman
Founder of all-female team InternationElles and GB athlete
Repeated running injuries and a divorce gave Louise the impetus to start cycling. Pedalling the pain away, she was hooked and joined a club. The new found passion took her to the Grand Fondo World Championships representing team GB. Louise also founded InternationalElles, which battles for equality and opportunity for female racers. In 2019, the team rode the full route of the Tour de France to generate conversation around the lack of a female race.
"I started cycling about seven years ago after repeated running injuries. I was also going through a divorce at the time. I pumped my energy into my bike and tried to pedal away my sadness and anger. I was soon hooked and then wished I had taken up cycling years ago!
"Once I felt brave enough I joined a club and made lots of cycling friends. London has a really cool cycling community. I got involved in some sportives and got a coach to get the most out of my training and see where my cycling could take me. Turns out it took me quite far, I managed to qualify for the Grand Fondo World Championships and I represented Great Britain two years in a row and am set to race for GB again this year. Pulling on a GB skinsuit and racing has been the proudest moment of my life.
Cycling has completely changed my life and I’ve gone from a depressed, bogged down single mum to a motivated, happy mum of two who loves inspiring and helping others to lead more active lives. I will keep battling for equality so that little girls can have the same opportunities as their brothers and women on bikes becomes a normal thing.
Louise Vardeman
"I also helped form a female cycling team called the InternationElles that I now run. We battle for equality to try and ensure women on bikes have the same opportunities as men. We rode the full route of the Tour de France in 2019 just to prove women can and to create conversations about there being no women’s Tour de France. We are delighted our campaigning has been successful and next year a women’s race will be launched.
"Cycling has completely changed my life and I’ve gone from a depressed, bogged down single mum to a motivated, happy mum of two who loves inspiring and helping others to lead more active lives. I will keep battling for equality so that little girls can have the same opportunities as their brothers and women on bikes becomes a normal thing."