Jane Timperley

Community champion
Jane Timperley
Champion of women’s club cycling in Kinross
A lifelong cyclist, Jane, 57, discovered club cycling after having her son. She is an active member of Kinross Cycling Club who loves riding with like-minded people, encouraging new riders and organising events. As a ride leader she has championed women’s cycling and encouraged many others to become ride leaders. She has also worked to help the club support local charities, including a food bank.
“Cycling keeps me fit and feeling young and has introduced me to so many people I would otherwise never have met. It’s a hobby that I have much to be thankful for in so many ways.”
Jane Timperley was nominated for the 100 Women in Cycling by Kathryn Baker from her club, who said:
"Jane is an amazing lady who gives a huge amount of her time to our club, Kinross CC, and to the cycling community in Tayside & Fife (and beyond).
"Despite a busy and demanding job, she has found time to play an active role within the club and has been a massively inspiring member of the committee over the last few years. When I say demanding job, I really mean it. Jane is a doctor working with NHS Fife; she has been involved in the treatment of coronavirus patients and has also squeezed in some shifts as a volunteer with the Fife vaccination programme.
"She is a real champion of women’s cycling, within the club and externally. One of the main reasons I joined KCC was the strong female membership and the fact that there are (in normal circumstances) rides for every ability, from speedy racing snake to more leisurely sociable cafe rides. Jane has been instrumental in creating and continuing this.
"She is a trained ride leader and has supported many others to take the plunge and become ride leaders, whatever their preferred ride pace is (social riders and racing riders). Jane is always the first to volunteer to help at events, often sacrificing her own ride to ensure club and other local races/events can go ahead. Before lockdown she was undertaking her commissaire training and she is also an event organiser.
She looks out for everyone and is quick to notice when someone is struggling. She gives her time freely, without expectation that she will get anything in return
Kathryn Baker
"Over and above this, she also finds time to enable our club to support local charities, the local food bank being one. Did I mention she also has a family and has been juggling home schooling over lockdown? Over and above all of this Jane is kind, caring and compassionate. She looks out for everyone and is quick to notice when someone is struggling. She gives her time freely, without expectation that she will get anything in return. I know our female members value her support and the way she represents a female cyclist’s view at every level.
"I cannot think of anyone more deserving of a nomination."