Take action during Covid-19
With the Covid-19 pandemic ongoing, the number one priority we all share is keeping each other safe and supporting the NHS. For most of us, that involves doing one simple thing: avoiding unnecessary journeys beyond our daily exercise and staying at home where possible.
However, once sat on the sofa, if you and your family are lucky enough to have avoided the virus, it can be hard to know how to use your time productively. That’s why, over the coming weeks, Cycling UK will be offering regular opportunities for you to get involved in campaigning for cycling, without leaving your house.
The campaigns team will regularly highlight a new ‘from-your-sofa' campaign you can take part in, and these will bring in the full range of what Cycling UK campaigns on. Whether that's related to road safety, off-road access, or just about getting more people cycling for essential journeys to keep public transport quiet for key workers.
Take part in our ongoign action to secure temporary cycling and walking space during the lockdown
All our from-your-sofa actions can be found on this page, but if these don't appeal, why not use this time as the opportunity to get involved in your local cycling campaign group?
Many will be holding online meetings so it’s a great chance to get active. The best way to find a local cycling campaigning group is to simply Google the name of your town, city, county or region, followed by 'Cycling Campaign Group'.
Let's all do our bit to help make sure the 'normal' we return to after this crisis is more cycle-friendly than the 'normal' we left behind in March.
Opportunities to campaign from your sofa
Write to your councillor
Help us secure safe space for cycling and walking space during lockdown: write to your councillor today using our draft letter.
Countries across the world have introduced extra space to help people cycle and walk safely during the lockdown, to get their daily exercise and for necessary journeys. However, the UK has been slow off the mark. Cycling UK has contacted the Westminster, Welsh and Scottish Governments to call for their support for such measures, but it's down to local authorities to make the changes, so we've prepared two draft letters for you to send to your own council, asking for safe space for active travel and exercise during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Write a letter to your local paper
If you're tired of reading complaints and negative letters about cycling in your local paper, why not write something more positive, and let the editor know why life’s better by bike, and that tomorrow could be different! We have a detailed guide to help you get started.
In Scotland
Use the Government's engagement tool to support cycling as a solution to climate change
Despite the lockdown, the Scottish Parliament has a live online engagement tool collecting ideas for reducing climate change, and you can have your say. You can vote for the positive cycling measures suggested by people, add your opinion, and vote down some of the nonsense anti-cycling suggestions!
In England and Wales
Our rights of way network in England and Wales is one of our most precious assets. If anything being confined to our homes has highlighted how important our paths are to connect with nature - and the shops! You can help keep the rights of way network open for everyone to use.