Going the Extra Mile awards

Do you know someone who has Gone the Extra Mile for cycling? Nominate them for a Going the Extra Mile award
Going the Extra Mile is our ongoing reward programme to thank and celebrate outstanding volunteers

From ride leaders and group committee members to social media moderators and local campaigners – and many other roles – Cycling UK relies on its volunteers to support us in our mission to create happier, healthier, greener lives through cycling.

Our UK-wide network of hard-working helpers devote many hours of their own time, effort and skills to encourage, enable and inspire others to enjoy cycling. 

We believe that it’s vital to recognise this work – whether that’s mechanics keeping bikes on the road, the people organising group rides or Cycle Advocacy Network members making the case for better cycling infrastructure. One way to do this is with a Going the Extra Mile award.

This special reward programme is a way of thanking and highlighting those volunteers who go above and beyond in their volunteer duties. Volunteers can be nominated by Cycling UK staff or by people who know or ride with them – people like you.

I am thrilled but campaigning is mostly team work and so this is also recognition for others. The late John Edwards and I were fed up with the interests of cyclists either being ignored or being told by the local authorities that the policy was not to encourage cycling because it was dangerous – this was in the 1990s when cycling was seen primarily as a road safety issue

Sue Coles, Going the Extra Mile Gold Award winner

Three ways to thank our volunteers

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Thank you letters and certificates

Download the certificate and personalise our editable thank you certificate with the details of who you are thanking, along with what they have done for cycling, whether it’s a group or individual.


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Certificate of Appreciation

These are aimed at anyone who has truly ‘Gone the Extra Mile’ for cycling – perhaps a long-standing group secretary or treasurer, or somebody who has organised a large event for many years that has enabled and encouraged lots more people to cycle.

You can nominate somebody to receive this award at any time of year. If successful, the nominee will receive a certificate which can be presented at a particular event to mark this very special occasion. They will also receive one of our Going the Extra Mile badges.


Lifetime Achievement Awards

These special certificates are awarded to individuals or groups that have been completing voluntary tasks with Cycling UK for a certain number of years as follows:

  • 1 year+ of continuous volunteering – Going the Extra Mile award
  • 10 years – Bronze award
  • 20 years – Silver award
  • 30 years – Gold award
  • 40+ years – Platinum award

They will also receive one of our Going the Extra Mile badges. We will try, where possible, to arrange for some from Cycling UK to present these awards in person.

At Meriden, I was presented with another badge, for which I am very grateful. It is a Going the Extra Mile one, which will complement the Gold Lifetime Achievement Award for being a committee member with Coventry CTC for more than 40 years nicely; it was a very pleasant surprise. I must add, however, that the event would not work without the support and co-operation of all the parties concerned

Dave Hearn, organiser, Meriden Cyclists’ Memorial Service
Four badges, reading Going the Extra Mile, Bronze award, Silver award and Gold award respectively, are arranged in a line on Cycle magazine front cover, with Shining examples written below
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How to request a badge, award or certificate

Do you know a Cycling UK volunteer who Goes the Extra Mile? To nominate them for a Certificate of Appreciation or Lifetime Achievement Award, please contact the volunteering team and outline what the person or group has achieved.

Roll of Honour

Everyone who is recognised with a Going the Extra Mile award will appear on our Roll of Honour.

The Cycling UK Roll of Honour