Fill That Hole privacy notice
Fill That Hole is a service provided by FixMyStreet on behalf of Cycling UK.
Here's how the data you submit gets used:
FixMyStreet sends your name, email address and pothole report to the local authority responsible for the pothole or hazard that you have reported. The local authority will use your details in line with its own privacy policy, including to update you about the progress of your report.
Your report will be made public on Fill That Hole and FixMyStreet, but your name will not be shown unless you specifically ticked ‘Show my name publicly’ on the report submission form.
If you create an account on Fill That Hole by adding a password, this gives you a login to Fill That Hole and the parent FixMyStreet site, whose database helps to power Fill That Hole.
You can see the FixMyStreet privacy policy here.
Cycling UK stores a copy of all data submitted through Fill That Hole, and data about which hazards have been resolved by local authorities. If you ticked 'Subscribe to Cycling UK emails' when you submitted your report, your details will used accordingly.
You can see the Cycling UK privacy policy here.